cosmin's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • Hi R0J0hound, a similiar thechnique i've started to implement, seems to work, thank you for your answer.

  • I believe that there must be a solution for this, i'm also waiting to find it :D

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  • Hi again jojoe, still cannot find a solution for destroying unconnected group of bubbles, in this moment i have a 3d array which contains the bubbles and zones without bubbles (i store x and y positions of a bubble, and 1 if there is a bubble, and 0 if there is not a bubble). The problem is that i don't know how to destroy the bubbles which are isolated, like the blue ones from this screenshot:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I've tryied a solution with filling the white spaces with another objects and them move them down, and when they colides with bubbles to destroy the bubbles, in the case from the screenshot it is working like a charm, but in other complicated cases there are destroyed another bubbles which are not disconnected.

    If anyone have a solution, please, let me know :)

  • it looks like a good method, also i will give it a try. Thank you for your ideas jojoe, they really helped me a lot <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • joejoe your idea with "kill-bubble" is interesting, for destroying the bubbles with same color i've used a "flood fill" technique, now, the only issue is with finding the "floating bubbles". My ideea is to use the object's matrix array, to search for "floating bubbles" and groups of bubbles. To find individual bubbles with no neighbors is easy, but the hard part is to find the groups of bubbles.

  • Thank you jojoe, i will give it a try <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Thank you for your advice jojoe, i've fixed it.

  • Hi to all,

    i've started to work on a Bubble Shooter game, i've managed to develop the part regarding destruction between bubbles with same color. Now the only issue is how to find/destroy bubbles and group of bubbles which does not have any neighbor, like the group marked with red from this image:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Any advice is welcome.

    By the way, Construct 2 is a great game engine. Well done Scirra!

    Edit: image broken link.

  • Hi Nesterwork, i'm also working at a bubble shooter game, like the one at the link in your post, have you managed to finish the game developement?

  • Hi xoros,

    i'm working at a Buble Shooter like game, until now i've managed the mechanics for picking/distroing connected bubbles, but now i need to destroy the groups of bubbles which are not connected with any bubbles. As i see in your first post, have you found a solution for this issue?

  • 10 posts