corlenbelspar's Forum Posts

  • I'm trying to port this old C2 effect I have over to C3. I managed to get it where it can import, but then it breaks C3 where it won't open until I go in and manually delete the effect. What is going wrong here?

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  • Thanks for the link. I read it over and I'll be upgrading to C3 soon. When you get the bug fixed preventing my game from being imported, it'll be exciting to see how much better it works.

  • I'm thinking of switching to C3, but I want to know how it is compared to C2 in performance in some areas.

    I want to know if C3 has improved any since C2 in terms of games made running on NW.js and does the "run layout" feature work faster at compiling the project for a test run?

  • I'll email it to you because it's over 100mb. I'll be emailing from

  • I get this error every time I try to import my C2 project into C3. Is this because I don't have a subscription at the moment or is it some other problem? I want to evaluate my project in C3 before I go through with paying for a year of use.

  • I want to add footprints to my game when characters walk in snow or sand and I was wondering what you guys would do in my situation.

  • You know how old games had a sound menu that played all the sound effects and songs in the game? I was wondering what the easiest way would be to do this with the files not named things like 001.ogg, 002.ogg, 003.ogg, etc.

  • That's why I reported it because it's a bug. Not a very important one to fix, but if I were Ashley I'd try to fix all errors found. That's also why I didn't provide a project file at first because it's an editor bug, but Ashley closed my report without one, so there it is.

  • The original one becomes blank instead of the cloned one.

  • When you create a new instance of a tilemap by using CTRL + left click, if you try to load a TMX it replaces the tiles on the tilemap instead that you cloned the instance from.

    R265 Windows 10 Home

    steps to reproduce:

    1. Add a tilemap.

    2. Copy it by pressing CTRL and clicking on it with the left mouse button.

    3. Try to load a new TMX.

    Here is a blank project file with just a tilemap so you can do it yourself even though it took me 5 seconds to make myself.

  • It does it in any project including a brand new one and any TMX. I guess I'll upload a blank project file and blank TMX since you need me to do it.

  • When you create a new instance of a tilemap by using CTRL + left click, if you try to load a TMX it replaces the tiles on the tilemap instead that you cloned the instance from.

    R265 Windows 10 Home

    Cannot provide a CAPX or browser information for this because it's an editor bug.

    steps to reproduce:

    1. Add a tilemap.
    2. Copy it by pressing CTRL and clicking on it with the left mouse button.
    3. Try to load a new TMX.
  • Thanks for your feedback. I use the song ended expression but there's still some delay at times between the tracks. The tracks have no silence at the start or end because I rendered them myself as OGG directly from my DAW.

  • Bumping I guess.

  • I play my music intros and loops as separate files, but on its own the loop doesn't seamlessly play after the intro. Is there somehow I can use audio scheduling with music folder files? I tried using it and it acts like I didn't even put scheduling in the script.

    EDIT: I found that music files give a duration of 0 so I guess it's a matter of somehow determining the music length.