copilot's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • Not sure I understand your suggestion. Please elaborate.

    I tried exporting to HTML5 and then opening with Chrome on my Android device.

    I also tried exporting to Cordova then building APK sing Intel XDK. When I go this route, the dropdown that's supposed to show camera sources shows nothing.

  • Problem Description

    The Webcam template example has a dropdown list that allows the user to switch the camera being used (so the user can switch from front camera to rear camera). Switching does not work. Regardless of which camera I select in the dropdown, it always picks the front facing camera.

    I tried this on three different Android phones (published as a website). Chrome required that I use an https connection.

    Attach a Capx

    Capx is the Example: Webcam Level:Intermediate

    Get a webcam feed from the user's camera using the User Media object.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Run the HTML5 project on an Android phone with two cameras
    • Switch camera
    • Expected: The video feed switches

    Observed Result

    Video feed does not switch. Always selects front camera.

    Expected Result

    The video feed switches

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Release 221 (64-bit/Steam)

    Built at 13:39:54 on Jan 18 2016

  • I wonder if this could be something that Android blocks. Are there any Android apps which can arbitrarily load all user photos?

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  • Here's a link to an example capx

    (sorry I need to split the URL below because it does not allow me to insert links into forum posts yet - I don't have enough reputation).


    If you press "w" the player accelerates to the right.

    If you press "left arrow" the player rotates counter-clockwise.

    If you press "up arrow" the player accelerates toward self.angle.

    If you try pressing "w" then "left arrow" and then "up arrow" you'll see the player move in the direction the player is facing.

    If you try pressing "w" then "left arrow" and then "w" you'll see the player continue to move right regardless of where the player is facing.

    So, there's clearly a difference between the two. I don't know what "Forwards" keys off of. It can't be the angle. Perhaps it's just the direction of the sprite when it was inserted into a layout?

  • I tried replacing "Self.Angle" with "Forwards" in this statement

    Accelerate CustomMovement 100 at angle Self.Angle

    When I do that, the object just moves right, regardless of whether it is rotated. That's what's puzzling me.

  • I'm reading through the Asteroids Clone tutorial (in under 100 events).

    I notice that to accelerate the player's ship we do this:

    Accelerate CustomMovement 100 at angle Self.Angle

    I also notice that to decelerate the player's ship we do this:

    Accelerate CustomMovement Forwards -100

    What's the difference between "Forwards" and "Self.Angle"?

    Thank you,


  • 6 posts