Coolo's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • I was working on a horrible computer that I only had access to 1 gb of hd space on... Found the temp folder in Appdata then local and managed to salvage the files and put them on google docs to be used at home. All fixed :D

  • Whenever I open the fixed one, it crashes and the unfixed one says it is unable to unzip archive or something (Forgot because it was a few hours ago :P)

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  • As the title says, I broke my .capx... I have tried changing it to a .zip and then using a zip repair tool, but now Construct 2 crashes whenever I load it....

    Here is the 'repaired' version

    Here is the original

    I do have a backup, but it is very old and I do not want to revert to it for the 5th time this week. (I lost my usb with the only current copy of the game on it, then I tried working on the back up 5 times and it always broke somehow)

  • Thanks Ashley.

    After writing this (before reading your post) I made the name-change "trick". After it failed I used this program "DiskInternals ZIP Repair" to fix the file. So far it seems it fixed the issue.

    I tried that program, but now Construct 2 crashes whenever I load the .capx file...

  • Bump! Please help! I need this to make it work with touch!

  • Attachments broken

  • I am trying to make my game touch compatible, but that requires smooth touch control. So I tried to implement This example but I cannot get it to work, I think it is because of some other touch events that I have, but I cannot be sure.

    Here is my .capx

  • Ok, thanks it works! I set up when the play button is pressed it sets a global variable, then when the next layout starts and that variable is set, it resets the layout then resets all the global variable including the menus one.

  • Ok, I have 2 layouts, the game and the menu, and I would like one of the buttons on the menu to reset the games layout before switching to it, I need to reset everything except the players highscore, stored in a global variable. Is there any way to do this? Please help.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hello, I am the creator of the game Xylon, right now it is in alpha 1.1.3 and it is very basic, you can always play the lates version at

  • 10 posts