Constant777's Forum Posts

  • Hi!

    Try to remove the advertising plugin and you will see an increase in download speed on your projects.

    Didn't you see the 2 export videos of your example that I posted? It is obvious in these videos that the problem of long loading is in the advertising plugin.

    This is absolutely obvious and evident in the video. And everyone can compare it by simply adding an advertising plugin and deleting it.

    This is the end of the discussion, as it seems to me :)

    > hi igortyhon,


    > I got same issue with Constant777, but worse boot-time => 7-> 10 sec after loaded!

    Hi. I have google required me to update 5 games to version 34+. I updated all using the Construct r397 stable version and nowhere has such horribly long downloads.

    I don't know what to tell you, I haven't encountered this problem.

    Maybe if you take download logs through Android studio more information will appear. I have a few test devices post the apk and I'll check it out for myself.

  • Hi!

    Of course I can add a video for evident.

    Ashley and DiegoM can clearly see the difference in the download slowdown just from the fact that I added the Mobile Advert plugin.

    Video WITH ADS:

    the app opened in 7 seconds

    Video WITHOUT ADS:

    the app opened in 2 seconds

    Can you share your video for evident.

    > Hi!


    > I exported your file (with Mobile Advert) to APK and the app opened in 7 seconds.


    > Then I just deleted the Mobile Advert. I didn't change anything else. Exported to APK and the app opened in 2 seconds.


    > That's what I was talking about.


    > The problem of long loading app is in the Mobile Advert plugin.



    > > > Hi! Try to export to APK and check the time to start app with and without the plugin, not in browser to exclude questions about the browser cache and so on.

    > > >

    > >

    > > I test builds with this plugin every day, haven't noticed any problems.

    > > But in order to answer you I took the example game and added ads there. Everything works fine.

    > > Here's the apk

    > >

    > > and the source

  • Hi!

    I exported your file (with Mobile Advert) to APK and the app opened in 7 seconds.

    Then I just deleted the Mobile Advert. I didn't change anything else. Exported to APK and the app opened in 2 seconds.

    That's what I was talking about.

    The problem of long loading app is in the Mobile Advert plugin.

    > Hi! Try to export to APK and check the time to start app with and without the plugin, not in browser to exclude questions about the browser cache and so on.


    I test builds with this plugin every day, haven't noticed any problems.

    But in order to answer you I took the example game and added ads there. Everything works fine.

    Here's the apk

    and the source

  • Hi! I wrote above:

    There are only 6 fields to configure. And since I have ads displayed, I was able to configure the plugin. I changed the "Test mode", "Show on startup", and entered my advertising ID...

    I changed the settings options and tried them ALL, but in less than 8 seconds the APK app did not start.

    But without this plugin, the app starts almost instantly, in 2-3 seconds. So the problem is in the algorithm of the plugin and its priority before downloading the app.

    You need to setup Ads and consent messages in the Admob console, you cannot just ad the plugin and export.

    And when you do a preview you do not use Admob, you use Google Ads.

  • Hi! Try to export to APK and check the time to start app with and without the plugin, not in browser to exclude questions about the browser cache and so on.

    > I opened the "Space Shooter Template". I clicked "Preview project", the project started in 2 seconds.


    > Then I just added the Mobile Advert plugin (without configuring it at all, leaving it in Test Mode), the project started in 28 (!) seconds.



    Just did the same thing, opened the example and added the plugin nothing changed.

    I have not encountered any problems with this plugin.

    Did you look at the console and see what it says? Have you tried clean chrome?

    This is a very strange result.

  • Hi Ashley !

    The Mobile Advert plugin works as a serious download brake anyway whatever I do. No matter how I set up the Mobile Advert plugin.

    Anyway, the download takes from 8 to 12 seconds when launching the APK and from 25 to 60 when clicking on "Preview project". Without this plugin, it takes 2-3 seconds to launch the app.

    I opened the "Space Shooter Template". I clicked "Preview project", the project started in 2 seconds.

    Then I just added the Mobile Advert plugin (without configuring it at all, leaving it in Test Mode), the project started in 28 (!) seconds.

    There are only 6 fields to configure. And since I have ads displayed, I was able to configure the plugin. I changed the "Test mode", "Show on startup", and entered my advertising ID...

    I changed the settings options and tried them all, but in less than 8 seconds the APK app did not start.

    But without this plugin, the app starts almost instantly, in 2-3 seconds. So the problem is in the algorithm of the plugin and its priority before downloading the app.

    You can check it yourself in 1 minute. To do this, open any example project in Construct and check the download of the app without and with this Mobile Advert plugin.

    After that, you'll understand what I mean by a really long download of the app.


  • It's just very sad to hear from the founder of Construct Ashley that he can't do anything to improve the speed of app loading algorithm.

    Because in other engines for app that use exactly the same advertising plugin and the same dialog for GDPR, there is no such long download.

    I didn't think that by deciding to develop apps in Construct (which positions itself as an engine where you don't have to be a programmer) that I will need to get into the code through exporting to the cordova project with some help of ChatGPT.

  • Ashley & DiegoM I really thank you for your prompt answers!

    In the end, no one is to blame. Everyone is right. Everything is working correctly.

    But the Mobile Advert plugin slows down the app loading very much.

    As a result, the plugin seems to be in Construct, but I deleted it because using it and waiting for an app made on Construct to load for 8-12 seconds is nonsense :)

    P.S. I checked when my app was exported with the Mobile Advert plugin, which opens in 2-3 seconds. It was August 2023. Even now, this app opens almost instantly. I'm dreaming that dialog for GDPR should have waited for 8-12 seconds before app starting :))))

  • Hi Ashley !

    Just the fact of adding an empty (not configured) Mobile Advert plugin to any sample project increases the initial loading time of the app by 5-8 seconds. It did not happen a year ago.

    Maybe Construct should make the start of the app a priority, and downloading the Mobile Advert plugin (and others) a secondary task that will go when the app has already started?

    Because waiting 8-12 seconds for the app to load due to the Mobile Advert plugin is wrong.

    Every developer has a desire for the fastest possible start. And many optimize projects to reduce loading time and catch seconds. And here the advertising plugin takes 5-8 seconds...

    By the way, I deleted the Mobile Advert plugin precisely because of the long download when I realized that the problem was with it.

  • Hi.

    I've been dealing with the issue of long loading of the project.

    Deleted all sprites, ES, JS...

    Anyway, the app download took 8-9 seconds. For comparison, an example of a game with sprites and 3D from Construct loads in 2-3 seconds.

    I found the reason for the long download. This is a plugin from Construct Mobile Advert. Without it, the app started loading in 2-3 seconds, and when adding the Mobile Advert plugin to the example game from Construct, it started loading for a long time: 8-9 seconds.

    By the way, the old compilation of my project with the Mobile Advert plugin from a year ago loads quickly: in 2-3 seconds.

    So the problem is with this updated slow Mobile Advert plugin.

  • Thanks. I exported as an Android Studio project. Edited AndroidManifest.xml.

    But how do I continue to work in Construct with this project?

    I have not found how to IMPORT from Android Studio project.

    The whole point is to edit AndroidManifest.xml and continue working in Construct with this edited file. Maybe there is another way to edit AndroidManifest.xml? Or maybe there is some kind of plugin for this? Or maybe it is possible to configure the behavior of fitsSystemWindows="false"?

    Because shifting the entire application up when a soft keyboard appears is very harmful to the application, since the necessary information and buttons on top become invisible (out of screen). And the appearance of the application becomes somehow flawed.

    I will be grateful for any help Ashley

  • I have a Textinput in my application that should be located at the bottom or above the SoftKeyboard in Android like in all messengers.

    And the upper part of the application should not move above the screen when the SoftKeyboard appears and of course the screen should not shrink in size to an unreadable size.

    But this cannot be done with the tools of Construct Ashley

    The solution I found is edit AndroidManifest.xml file and set adjustResize.

    But I do not know how to do this with the Construct tools and I am not sure that it is possible to edit in Construct AndroidManifest.xml.

  • Maybe check the text input's "is focused" condition and move the other elements down it it's true?

    The HEAD sprite will twitch. And it's not clear what the height of the keyboard is. It's different for everyone.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I have a project (scale outer) with TextInput at the bottom and when I click on it to enter text, an android virtual keyboard appears.

    The keyboard move all layout up. But I need the HEAD to stay in its place at the top of screen and not move anywhere. How do I do this?

    There is no solution anywhere. Although this question has been asked on the forums more times. I really need help Ashley

  • When converting the "\" character using two methods (codePointAt(0)

    or charCodeAt(0)), 0 is returned.

    The rest of the characters are converted without problems.

    Is it possible to fix this bug Ashley ?
