Colludium's Forum Posts

  • Thanks, jobel, it was a good idea - but Steam requires a youtube url.... It's a money making scam! Unknown artist X gets 30 days of advertising income from another artist Y only because X paid youtube a fee to search for similar sounding audio...

  • Thanks spongehammer, my cursory search last night didn't find it!

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  • So.... Almost everything is ready to go. Except Youtube has decided to show adds over my trailer video (not good for Steam greenlight) because it automatically concluded that my own music actually belonged to someone else... Dispute started and nothing will happen until it's sorted out. Great.... Could take 30 days to resolve... Scratching head. Might have to create new music track under same licence and see if that is missed by the vulture robots. :/

  • Problem Description

    nw.js Windows export: the package.json includes an incorrect reference to one of the icon files.

    Attach a Capx

    Not required. Just export a project with one sprite.

    Description of Capx


    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Open package.json inside package.nw
    • observe the file path reference for the window icon

    Observed Result

    "window": {
    		"icon": "logo.png",[/code:2enaohos]
    logo.png does not exist
    [b]Expected Result[/b]
    [code:2enaohos]"window": {
    		"icon": "icon-128.png",[/code:2enaohos]
    ...or similar
    [b]Affected Browsers[/b]
        [li] nw.js[/li][/ul]
    [b]Operating System and Service Pack[/b]
    [b]Construct 2 Version ID[/b]
    r216 64 bit
  • jobel - that's good advice. I'll read around the subject so Ii understand it better, but I'll probably avoid it then.

  • Thank you MadSpy! It wouldn't have got this far without your help!

  • jobel, your edit is correct: the greenlight concept let's you publish a page for feedback so you can gage where your idea's strengths and weaknesses are. I've taken it down now, but the concept page I created gave me some reallygood ideas for what to change, especially the need to avoid having the game look or behave like Limbo. The final version of Umbra is only similar to that original concept because of that initial feedback.

    I did have a link on that page to the demo, but traffic dried up after a few months, unsurprisingly. I'm going to provide a trimmed down .exe demo version of the game on the greenlight page when I publish it.

    Then, if all goes well and I get lots of thumbs-up, I'll offer early access so a few players can help me bug test. I've not seen the process before so it's going to be a bit of a voyage of discovery....

  • jobel - thank you - but it's not ready yet! I wish it was... I am planning on publishing my greenlight page on Friday.... I'm just putting the finishing touches to the demo version that will be available on the page, as well as some last-minute graphics to make it look better than amateur. Fingers and toes crossed! I'll post here when it's up for voting!!

  • For 1. Why not place your UI on a global layer? Unless you need to generate it in a complex/variable way according to other conditions. Then there's no need for painful spawning code - you can use the editor's strengths and just place the sprites directly....

  • Not sure. But this one does


    Over 1,000,000 particles at 60 fps. 2x10^6 particles caused a slow-down. So it's not perfect!!!!!

  • I'll admit that I'm intrigued by this! Will it work with Rex's repository control?

    • Post link icon

    The silence makes me feel like Scirra is already working on something bigger and better. Well, that or it is going to be an exclusive for Construct 3.

    I admire your optimism . I suspect that with this plugin being a year in beta, the best place for its upkeep is within the community.

    • Post link icon

    Just interested if any of the mods have any idea on whether or not 's modified version of this plugin should be made publicly available...?

  • I recommend rex's pin to imagepoint behavior. It's quite simply excellent.

  • Thanks Kyatric, I hadn't noted the uncompressed upload limit for the arcade. I'll just be careful when deleting non-demo assets before exporting.