Colludium's Forum Posts

  • I've spent the last few days playing around with Phonegap Build. VERY exciting, I can tell you.

    However, I think that it's come a long way over the last few months from when I last played with it and it's now quite a viable option for porting simple apps to iOS and android. Although I don't think it will ever compete with Crosswalk for running physics based games (not ever?) it is still pretty good for simple puzzles etc (and it's < 17 Mb, no flickering splash screen, loads in 2 sec...). Anyhow, enough of this: I have some Phonegap export requests to make and I hope Ashley might be able to include them in a future build just to make life a bit easier.

    Please could the Phonegap build process add the following lines of code to the config.xml file (commented out if need be, but having it there would save hours of internet searching for the non-coders among us):

    To control which Build version to use, add:

    <font color=blue><preference name="phonegap-version" value="3.3.0" /></font>

    Although the version number included will become legacy I'm sure, by stipulating a build version you can ensure that you have control over which is used. I found that without this the Build sometimes regressed to using 3.1.0 (a couple of others on the forum have had similar problems). No 'biggie', but it was irritating.

    To hide the status bar on iOS 7, add:

    <font color=blue><!-- Hide Status Bar iOS -->

    <gap:config-file platform="ios" parent="UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance" overwrite="true">



    <gap:config-file platform="ios" parent="UIStatusBarHidden" overwrite="true">



    The above code works a treat, the old "<preference name="fullscreen" value="true" />" no longer works on the latest gift from Apple. From what I understand, build >3.0.0 has this problem but the above code sorts it out.

    To manage the splash screen on iOS, add the following:

    <font color=blue><!-- Do not auto hide splash on iOS -->

    <preference name="AutoHideSplashScreen" value="false" />

    <!-- Do not auto hide splash on Android -->

    <preference name="SplashScreenDelay" value="10000"/>

    <gap:plugin name="org.apache.cordova.splashscreen" /></font>

    Some users (including myself) encountered white screens after the splash screen on iOS. The above code allows the splash screen auto-hide to be over-ridden, which ensures that there's not a blank canvas for 1/2 sec or so until the first layout loads.

    For android builds, inside the widget at the top of the config.xml add:

    <font color=blue><widget ......

         versionCode = "xxxx"


    Where the versionCode xxxx is the numerical identifier used by android/google for app version identification. Control over this number is important if you're going to have a successful app load onto Google Play and Phonegap will insert the number into the Manifest file during the build. I think omission results in a default 1 and is a pain to fix if you need to upgrade your apk. The details could be added to the popup settings window prior to export.

    There's loads more available on the Phonegap website but I thought that these changes would be really helpful and keep C2 up to speed with other non-of-the-moment 3rd party wrappers.

    Enough from me, I hope this is supported - thanks!

  • After a quick search of the forum I found this link which States that Crosswalk won't include advertising API until July. Which means it won't work properly until much later in the year. You gave out so little information it's impossible to help you with the refresh problem.

  • AnD4D,

    Try this for size - capx

    I usually set a representation of the minimum screen size and maximum aspect ratio that I am planning to support and make it invisible - but it will be there at edit time so I can position things how I want. I also resize my HUD objects in the editor so they are smaller than their true pixel size. This allows them to scale up to higher resolutions and keep some definition.

    If you want to use the viewport technique I have in this example then the objects need to exist in the layout before they are moved with reference to their width and height (the scaling is then taken care of, so they move and resize as you would like with different screen resolutions).

  • Enough to buy a few beers and a new phone <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> over the last few months. What sort of proof are you after? ...because you're unlikely to get sight of anyone's bank statements.

  • It also depends on where your market is.

    If you just want to distribute free apps with no ads then it doesn't matter one jot. However, if you want to sell your hard work then it depends on where. For example, if you want to sell on iOS then you need to provide Apple with proof of your corporate identity, Google Play don't care as long as you have a bank account and each of the other distribution routes are all different in their requirements - but most seem quite relaxed (apart from Tizen which was almost paranoid IMO).

  • AnD4D - that is indeed the one! <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • AnD4D, I had exactly the same problem: for about a week I couldn't get anything to work other than the test ads and then I saw a not too obvious notice telling me that my account was suspended pending approval. I sent them an email and everything was working within a day. I can't remember the exact wording but it was on the Dashboard just under the main menu bar. Hope that helps.

  • I find that it's more reliable than using the text object in cocoonjs - I find that normal text is rendered to a smaller font size than when viewed in a normal browser / the editor. Sprite Font text is always the correct size... <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • You might have some scaling and parallax problems or it could be z order problems - but it's impossible to advise without a capx to look at. Past a link without the http or so someone can have a look - photos are of limited use without the actual code to look at as well. In my experience of C2 there have been very few bugs but plenty of me asking the computer to do something I didn't intend through my coding.

  • hardrockz,

    I'll edit the capx so it works with r158 - no need for you to run a beta version if you don't want to. Give me 5 mins.

    The great thing about C2 isn't just that it's the easiest editing environment I've come across, it's the community that really makes it great.

  • I put this example together then re-read your question, so you actually might not need it to solve your problem. It contains 2 methods of how to limit the enemy max speed - one that uses a global variable and one that doesn't (there are probably others, like object variables, but the forum has plenty of other chat about this sort of thing):


    If you set enemy max speed to "Enemy.Platform.MaxSpeed - 50" then the platform max speed will reduce by 50 every tick. I think this is what caused your problem.

  • MadameBerry, I think it's an artifact caused by your graphics card. My laptop does the same unless I turn WebGL off and then everything appears ok. With WebGL on or off on my old android phone (in Chrome) it works slowly but appears normal as well.

    Sounds like a good excuse to buy a new computer!

  • If it's a sprite object then just add different animation frames and set them in the editor / runtime as required. I can't think of an easy / quick fix if you're talking about a tiled background, though (there are ways to load tiled background images using a url or something like that - I can't remember the details but it was discussed on the forum a while ago).

  • Nitro187,

    Apologies for the delay, I was busy tinkering with my all-absorbing project.

    This should do it:


    The changes from version 1 that I couldn't think of doing after some beer and the hour of midnight were to transfer the speed values between the behaviors. Now works a treat! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">


    PS I just saw the bug report - there might not be a need for it as it might be deliberate and it's easily managed....

  • In case you haven't found it, go to Google Play Developer Console, Select Settings on the left - that should take you to Account details. The top line is your Developer Name. Enjoy tweaking...!