Colludium's Forum Posts

  • Gah! Ninja'd by your second post!

  • OK, there are a few things going on here, none of which I can explain...!

    I get a javascript error when the game loads in Chrome; closing the dialog allows me to continue but I'm not sure that the plugin is working correctly (the plugin works fine on my games but something in your game is causing an exception - and I don't know why). Are your game API key and leaderboard id correct? They are the only things I can think of that might cause errors like these...

    Then, when my bird crashes I get this error:

    Also, lines 8 to 11 in "Game events" post to the leaderboard without you first checking to see if the plugin has connected; there are a couple of facebook commands in the start event sheet that could also cause a problem. It could fail there if there is no connection to the clay server when you make these calls.

  • ashar - that's a pity. I haven't tried it in a game myself so it could be the plugin is at fault. Just to be sure, could you share screen shots of the dialog boxes / capx to see if it's a code error?

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  • OK, first of all there are a couple of excellent tutorials that you should read before trying this (if you haven't done so already):

    integrating leaderboards... by austin

    how to make custom leaderboard by CanGame

    It is also worth bookmarking the manual page for construct 2 here. Austin has done an outstanding job at not only creating the plugin but also documenting how to use it.

    Now for the direct answer that you are after:

    After posting the high score to, create an event to retrieve the leaderboard object, which will then be remembered by the plugin. You could easily show the top 10 scores this way as shown in the custom leaderboard tutorial above. The top score is contained at index 0 of the leaderboard - your event should look like this:

    You also have the option to specify downloading the Personal leaderboard for the player, so you could choose to give them some banter as to why they haven't beaten their previous high score...

  • ashar, it's quite easy to do once you know how. I'll have a look on my PC later and let you know if no one else chimes in first. Have a look at the load leaderboard function in the plugin and the documentation on the clay website - I don't recall of it was explicitly described there but you might be able to figure it out before I get access to my last game that used it. LD29 has taken over my life hence the slow reply...

  • No probs at all - I can guarantee that your english is better then my version of your native language! I've been doing this for over a year now and it's till confusing LOL!!

  • Zathan, the cocoonjs plugin is a work in progress with some very recent big success. Have a look at the cocoonjs thread where the work to fix the new plugin has been cataloged. You can now use cocoonjs to wrap your app to android and iOS and use leaderboards and in-app purchasing - which is awesome. I'm not sure I understood your question referring to some other incompatibility - could you rephrase it for me please / add more detail - it seems like you're implying something but I'm not sure what exactly? Thanks.

  • I agree that's not very intuitive. Even if you select the text to be invisible at the start of the layout the flash behavior will still work.

  • 1. Do you mean web on mobile or compiled into an android/iOS app? If it's web then yes. For mobile, I think you need to test what you want to do with the Intel XDK / phonegap (not sure about crosswalk) and as far as I know the clay plugin doesn't work with the cocoonjs plugin.

    2. There's no need for 2 game versions because the plugin allows for in-game purchases. So, just have level 1 as your demo level (make it good!!) and then ask for payment to continue. I haven't read the documentation on how to implement these features but the manual on the website is quite comprehensive and should explain how to do this.

    3. I think this will only be limited by your answer to 1 - what export to mobile option are you planning on?

    4. Oh yes!!

  • iceangel - that did the trick with no fuss - thanks!

  • great visuals and sound!

    ant the place is big, almost a Metroid Map

    good entry!

    Thanks nmlucio - I think I bit off more than I can chew! I enjoyed your entry too .

  • I just submitted my game - Crabathon - a one crab escape story.

    Boy that was hard work...

    Link to Ludum Entry Page

    Edit - changed the screen shot...

  • I'm in for my first Ludum Dare. It's fair to say that it's been a long weekend so far...!!

  • Not a solution - just something to try that might work.

  • Valid spot. My workaround has been to close the event/group and its sub-events and then to move the new event group above it so it maintains hierarchy - while they are collapsed, it is then easy to swap them around. Not ideal, but it stops me from going mad until it's fixed.