Colludium's Forum Posts

  • Zebbi,

    I'll see what I can do. The trick will be to implement it without breaking the current plugin... I doubt I'll get it done today - if I don't then it might take me a couple of weeks to set it up (due to work).

  • Zebbi,

    That wall jump mechanic you have is excellent and I couldn't really improve on it.

    I'm not sure what you were trying to do for wall-hang and move, but you need to set Solid2 to Type: "Wall hang" in the properties window. Wall hang then happens on wall collision if a control input is selected to move towards the wall.

    Regarding improving the wall hang - are you asking for a wall-slide velocity option (so the player can slide down the wall) and/or for the x velocity to be set away from the wall with a wall jump?

  • Zebbi,

    I'll take a look and let you know if it's possible or not.

  • Zebbi,

    The differences you see are because the plugins use different calculations to determine y position when jumping.

    The standard plugin (and Platform Plus) both incorrectly approximate the new y position as if the velocity over the previous tick was constant - they assume that y distance traveled is equal to velocity multiplied by time; the error here is that velocity is not constant because of acceleration due to gravity. Newton's equations account for this and Platform2 uses one of them to correctly set the new y position. By not using the correct equations of motion, the standard plugin suffers from inconsistent jump behavior when delta-time varies (jump heights change if delta-time changes).

    Unfortunately that means that it is not possible for the Platform2 jumps to ever be the same as the standard plugin's - you can tweak jump velocity and gravity so that the jump height or jump time are similar, but you can't have them all the same - you are asking if there's a way to make the Platform2 jumps behave like the standard plugin's (non-quadratic movement) when really you should be asking scirra to fix the standard plugin so it uses correct calculations to determine jump position...

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  • v2.8 submitted to the store for approval.

    Bugfix: the behavior now registers control inputs during debug mode pause/step.

  • Zebbi,

    I've submitted a new version to the store for approval. v2.8 will register inputs during debug pause/step.

  • Zebbi,

    Thanks for buying it! The P2 plugin has a wall hang only so anything additional that you do via events will be good! If the player is moving at int positions then it's not P2 - my plugin works to 1/8 pixel iirc (I'll check).

    Jump height is different because the standard plugin doesn't use Newton's equations of motion, only an approximation, which means that different frame rates will give different jump heights.... But this is not a problem with P2 :)

    That and a completely different collision system (including filtering) are the main differences.

    There shouldn't be any latency compared to the standard plugin. I'm intrigued by what you could mean for that.


  • Please start a new thread if you want to discuss the standard platform behaviour and its problems (which are caused by the runtime PushOutSolid function).

    Platform 2 has a completely different approach to collision management, which is why it doesn't suffer from the same problems that the standard behaviour has.

  • v2.7 submitted to the store for approval.


    Deleting the platform that the player was standing on was not always recognized by the plugin.

    The fall-through behavior did not always register the down input command (not sure what happened here, but the demo stopped working...).


    Demo. Fixed glitch on run caused by changes to the drop-down menu options in the Solid2 behavior.

  • Hey Colludium, would you be able to convert this to C3? It doesn't have to use the C3 runtime, just so I can export it to mobile correctly.

    Hi. As I understand it I would have to pay c3 subscription costs to be able to develop for c3 and is not worth it to me as a hobbyist. Also, and more importantly, the c3 code is all obfuscated, which makes quick bug fixing something from tedious to impossible.

    There's an excellent plugin converter somewhere in these forums and there's no reason why you can't convert it yourself. But sorry, I'm not going to support c3 for any of my plugins.

  • Hey, is Velocity X and Velocity Y like regular Platform's Vector X and Vector Y. If so, it's not working for me.

    Hi - I didn't understand at first, but I think you're trying to set the Y velocity and it's not responding? If so - I have identified a fix.


    v2.5 submitted to the store for approval. Setting velocity Y when on the floor now works correctly.

  • repkino

    Hi - I think the plugin is awesome (although I haven't bought Creature2d). You can see for yourself how good it is - check out the demo capx along with the plugin here on github.

  • v2.09 submitted to the store for approval. Bugfix: prismatic motors were broken by v2.08. Now rectified. Also, the scaling has been corrected for prismatic motors - the settings are now in true pixels/sec.

  • neutrinox

    Thanks for buying and thanks for the bug report! All now fixed.


    v2.08 submitted to the store for approval.

    Bugfix: Joint motor enable calls were incorrectly formatted.

  • v1.06 submitted to the store for approval.

    Bugfix - If Flashlight was set to cast shadows from Flashlight-Shadow behavior objects the it threw an error if the behavior was not in the project. Fixed.