Colin Jones's Forum Posts

  • Thanks, that's excellent news. I'm sold!

  • This looks great, just a quick question.

    I've just released a game on Steam, to which I'd like to add achievements.

    As is stands today, if I add the plugin would it break the mac version? Or should I just add the plugin and update the PC & Linux versions, keeping the mac as is?

  • Cheshire's Cheese Nightmares is also out now for Kindle Fire TV, if anyone's interested.

    A very simple process using Crosswalk XDK export, works with both remote and gamepad.

    Got my Fire TV last Thursday, the game was online in the appstore by Saturday.

  • But PhoneGap patched their build on 7th August:

    That's nearly 2 months ago.

  • Thanks, and it gets better- Slightly Magic is now on the OUYA featured games page!

    For the final OUYA version I needed full control of the OUYA gamepad buttons, so I used cocoonJS for export. Since it's a remaster of an old 90s game I added some extras like a director's commentary and a selection screen for Allister Brimble's remastered music. I think the OUYA version might just be the best one.

  • Yes, it's available now.

  • Strange new game on OUYA and Android today, thanks to the flexibility of Construct. iOS soon. Free downloads, so please let me know what you think.

    Play store link:

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Finally, a little late, but that's what happens when your Kickstarter fails, Slightly Magic is out today on OUYA (free and paid). Thank you, Construct 2!

  • Really nice graphics. Looks like a winner.

  • Great news today is that Slightly Magic PC and Mac editions are now available on US Amazon Indie Games Store for download.

    Since I was set up on Amazon for iOS and Android I figured it was worth uploading the desktops too. I guess the game might look unusual to US audiences who aren't familiar with ZX Spectrum graphics, but nice to see it up there. Free versions too.

  • Thanks! OUYA version is good to go, in that it plays well on my console. I used crosswalk and xdk plus the Construct gamepad object. I can only detect all button presses or none, which is good enough for me, but who knows? I hope to get it out in the next week or so, but until it's all done and dusted it's still not definite.

  • Slightly Magic was a successful game I wrote in the 90s. If was very well received at the time:

    ‘Slightly Magic does what few other games do. It takes a garbage truck full of fun and makes daily deliveries!’

    89% Sinclair User

    ‘The graphics and presentation are excellent too – full of colour and some nice bits of animation… All in all, Slightly Magic is, well, absolutely ‘magic” Your Sinclair 94%

    Your Sinclair Readers Top 100 Games of All Time

    I've reprogrammed it using Construct 2, the original graphics and remastered music. I used Construct to leverage it to as many platforms as possible, and today it's out on iOS, Android, PC, Mac and Linux. Please take a look, there are free versions available too on all formats.

  • I'm looking for a way to load music assets from a web address into my music assets folder on android apps, due to the 50mb apk limit. Has anyone had any success with this?

    Or, is there a way to use expansion files from the play store? I'm using Crosswalk export for XDK, and need to develop a project with large audio files.

  • Regarding XDK Crosswalk, which works really well in my experience. I'm looking into a game which needs a lot of music - up to 2 hours. This is way beyond the 50mb apk limit.

    Can XDK Crosswalk include or reference apk expansion files yet, or will it in the future? Or can C2 load music assets from a web address? Any advice much appreciated.

  • Just a thought, and I'm sure that someone will have thought of it before, but is is it possible just to insert some Javascript code in our games to call IAPs? There's a code example here:

    I've not looked into including Javascript myself, but does anyone think it seems feasible?