codraziel's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • do you need any music? <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I'm looking to build my portofolio

    checked your portfolio out for a brief moment, would you be looking for an upfront payment, a profit share or just a name in the credits(then again with music like that I could probably put your name on the title/splash screen

  • /\ checking out portfolio

    The part about explanation is 100% spot on lol.

    the turrets only fire once they have been appropriately crafted, if I have time i'll but a quick demo on the youtubes.

    I should imagine good writing would be a plus for the game so I'll keep your offer in mind when we have enough people to really push this game forward :)

    Hey! Tried your demo!

    It's definitely got around 80% of the stuff in place, but I noticed a few things:

    1. Turrets don't fire bullets even though they track enemies.

    2. No base HP displayed

    3. Creeps when they reach your base does not disappear or attack, they just stack on top of one another.

    Overall, I think you've done lots of hard work already in terms of making a great game!

    I'm willing to help out as a writer if you're looking for someone to aid with doing tower descriptions, mission briefing, campaign storylines etc.

    PS Your tower crafting game mechanism DEFINITELY needs some explanation, as I have no clue what to do :(

  • Dont know why I didnt just put the link here in the first place <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    this is quite a few builds behind, but this is the most functioning build( I think)

    Please note that it probably needs some instruction <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Edit: Oh and its a bit buggy <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hey guys.

    My background is mostly in design, monetization and production, however

    I have been in the planning/testing phase of a particularly interesting tower defense for some time and believe that with the right group we could make something truly amazing out of it.

    I require the following teammates to really get this thing going:

    Artist(No concept has been decided on yet so the sky is the limit)

    Programmer(I have the core mechanics working however I would prefer to manage the entire project rather than just the programming)

    I believe thats all for now, We will discuss among the group how sound/writing will be handled once we have a really solid core to work with.

    If you have ever played the hit Indie ARPG known as path of exile then you will love the concept behind this particular tower defense's mechanics

    I actually have a "functioning" demo for those who are interested

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  • I'll definitely be giving this a whirl since it would work well in the tower defense im currently fiddling with. I think you may have just made my life a whole lot easier.. Thanks :)

  • 5 posts