clissy09's Forum Posts

  • ok, thank you, i think you may have just given me a new mechanic for my game! lol

    but it all looks very complicated. Could i please ask that you give me a breakdown of what each of the different variables are?

    like xhand and yhand and stuff?

    I'd be very grateful.

  • Hi, i want the block to stay STILL when i click and hold on it. And i want it to Shoot towards where i have my cursor. As you can see, it just jumps and bobs about whenever i click and WHEREVER i click. i don't even have to click ON the Block, it still moves.

    Depending on how far away my cursor is from the block when i LET GO of the click, is how far i want the block to shoot.

    So, 1) How do i "Aim" the block without the block moving when i click on it.

    2) How do i set it so the distance of the cursor from the block is how powerful the throw is.

    3) how do i Stop the block from moving when i click anywhere.

    GIF of problem:

    Image of my current event list.

    i have no idea what i'm doing.

    You could say it is similar to "angry birds" but i don't want the catapult Mechanic and i Can't figure out how to do what i want it to do by looking at the Event List for the Catapult Physics template game.

    Any help is appreciated. I will be going to work for 8 hours now, so i may reply when i get home.


  • That would be great. It's similar to angry birds mechanics, except i want the block to go towards my cursor depending how far i drag the block, if that makes sense.

  • i've managed to get it whenever i click it moves to the right.. but not towards the cursor, no matter where i put the cursor.

  • I'm sorry, i'm really new to and i have no idea what the second part of your answer means D:

  • Ok, so i want to have a mechanic like you click on hold (let's say) a block, and when you move the mouse to the right of it and let go, it will fling the block towards that point. How would i set this up?

    So far, all that happens in the block is moved and carried by my curser. I hope this all makes sense!


  • also, one of the block has a very faint but noticeable green tint on the very bottom pixel..

    Xcan you tell me, what is the best way to create sprites and blocks. In photoshop? or using the in built one? Paint? Because whatever i'm doing, it clearly isnt working.

  • Ah ok no, it is still doing it.. even in game i can see some creases.... WHYYYYYYYYYYY can't this just work normally.. <.< might have to give it another go tomorrow. Fresh eyes. Been looking at this for hours lol.

  • well ok then. thank you very much sir i appreciate all your help!

  • It looks like it's because i have them set as sprites. when i made them a tile background it doesn't look lik they have the same issue.. But i need them as sprites so i can set their collision polygons..

    and how do you mean window zoom? I use CTRL and Scroll to zoom - i'm assuming that is incorrect?

  • You can upload it to and then PM me the link and I will look at it.

    not enough rep to pm. i'll post is here though pal. And delete shortly.

  • > soirry mate, what is capx?


    A CAPX file is a file of your game saved as a single file.

    I can load that and look at your layout to see the problem.

    It looks like they are being stretched which is probably a sizing issue. That gets worse when you stretch them more.

    If they look fine in game play it is probably your snap to grid settings not matching the tile settings.

    I really can't help more without seeing a capx sorry.

    oh i get ya now. How should i send it to you?

  • I have just seen that when i run the game it looks like the creases are gone.. But would they come back if the game gets closer by any chance?

  • it is worse when i make them bigger.. But i thought that was the whole idea of tiling?

    When i make them small again there is only a little crease as opposed to the big blurry one before.

    But does that then mean i need to copy and paste the same sprite 100 times to make a level?

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  • soirry mate, what is capx?