Cliffman's Forum Posts

  • 14 posts
  • You're completely right. I should've checked the beta builds before posting here. Thanks, zenox98!

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Start the .capx at the link above.

    2. Watch the pink square as it slides around on the horizontal sine behavior platform.


    Observed result:

    The platform behaviored player (pink square) slides to the sides, as if its position update was delayed in the horizontal movement.

    Expected result:

    The platform behaviored player (pink square) should stand still on the horizontal block unless moved by pressing left or right arrows.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes

    Internet Explorer: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    Win 7 Home Premium service pack 1

    Construct 2 version:


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  • That's the only one I've noted so far that's missing its properties in the action-list.

    I worked my way around it by changing it to a bullet behavior instead, though so there's no stress on that. It doesn't have the smooth acceleration and deceleration that I automatically got with sine movement, but it's good enough for what I'm doing. Thanks for the quick response, Ashley! Now I don't have to think about that anymore. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I'm a total noob so I'm probably completely wrong but couldn't it have something to do with the order in which you destroy the objects? If the smoke uid is stored inside a fireball instance variable, then couldn't it be lost before the smoke gets destroyed?

    Again, I know nothing but it might be worth it just to switch the orders there. I dunno if the picked instance is lost if the object that holds its uid is destroyed :/

  • Heya folks,

    I hope the title speaks for itself. I've created an object called SinBlock, which is a rectangle with both solid and sine as behaviors. What I'm trying to do is figure out how to create another of these blocks with the System->Create action with specific properties in the instance behavior.

    You see, whenever I create an instance with the System-action it creates one from some default values, such as horizontal movement with a period of 4 seconds and a magnitude of 50 pixels which is understandable. The problem is I'm not allowed to change some of these sine properties of the new instance using action commands (regardless of if I've picked it or not). For example, the only sine behavior properties I can change on the instance are if it's active, the magnitude and the period but not if I want the instance to be at a specific period offset, or change the movement direction from horizontal to vertical.

    This makes it very difficult to create instances of the desired object in runtime. Is there a way to do this, or at least to change the default values of an objects' default behavior properties?

    I'd post my current .capx but it's a huge, barely commented mess that'd probably offend any person trying to help me so I'll just stick around here instead. I hope my question was clear enough. If not, ask any questions and I'll answer right away.

    To be more clear on how this'd help my current project:

    I'm working on a part of a level where the player stands on an elevator that goes down a shaft, having to evade objects that come from beneath. The "elevator" or block that goes down the shaft is a solid object with a sine behavior that I've created so it starts at its highest (period offset) and goes down at a specific speed (tweaked through magnitude and total period values).

    The reason why I want to be able to create a new instance of this object, or be able to change the defaults of it is that I want to be able to reset the objects in the elevator shaft in case the player dies while going down the shaft (if the player dies, he gets teleported to a checkpoint before the shaft). And since I couldn't find a "reset position"-action for the sine behavior I'm at a loss.

    I'm not sure if I've just been searching with the wrong keywords or if I've just missed the relevant forum thread but I can't find anything on either the manual or the forum on changing instance behavior properties.<img src="smileys/smiley6.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> If I've missed it, I'm really sorry for wasting your time.

    Thanks for anyone who to took the time to read this through!

    TL;DR - How can I change default instance properties that are specific for certain behaviors? Or how can I create instances of objects with specific behavior properties?

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  • Will do! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Yes! That cleared it up for me! Thanks, Weishaupt! Thanks a lot! I got it working for hanging under horizontally moving platforms and will use the same technique for hanging on the sides of vertically moving platforms.

    Thanks again, dude! <img src="smileys/smiley31.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Yes, I thoguht of that too, but I couldn't figure out how to get a hold of the changing x value of the platform. Since what I want to add to the player's x-position isn't the platform's x-position but rather the change in it from the last tick.

    Player.x = player.X + Moving Platform's latest change in x-position.

    I've no idea how to grab that change in value. <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • You mean so that the player could actually be standing on that one while looking like he's holding on to the platform ontop? That could be a fix for it, but would require a lot of extra work on the level design. I'm trying to find something that would fix the problem rather than the symptom, but if I can't find anything else I'll probably just go for that.

    Thanks for the suggestion! <img src="smileys/smiley12.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hey there, good people!

    I've been testing and playing around with platforming behavior and a grabbing mechanic that some of you helped me with a while ago and I've run into another little problem I can't figure out how to get past.

    I've made it so my player object can stand on and jump from a moving platform. I've however run into some problems getting the player to follow along a horizontally moving platform when hanging underneath it. I've tried with pinning the player underneath it when grabbing on, but it doesn't allow the player to move from side to side while hanging.

    Is it possible to access the left/right movement that follows the platformer-behavior and make them relative to the movement of the platform somehow? This would also make it possible to get the right behavior while hanging on the sides of a horizontally moving platform.

    It's kind of a tricky thing, and I wouldn't ask for help unless I could figure out how to solve it. I dunno if I've just missed something really simple or if I'm just looking in the wrong places.

    What do you think? Any ideas? <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Arrows to run, space to jump and shift to grab onto something. (it's just a testing environment so don't expect much for level design <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />)

  • Hiya folks!

    I'm Cliffman and I'm a third year game student currently living in Sweden. I'm pretty new to Construct but am getting started with C2. I've already posted here on the forums a few days back asking for help and was surprised at how many really friendly and helpful forumites we've got here! <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I look forward to seeing more of what's possible to create with C2 and test the boundaries myself. Who knows, maybe something'll end up on the arcade ^^

    Anyways, that's all I had to say, I guess. If you've got any questions about me or anything just let me know.

  • Cool! That's a pretty smart solution to the problem!   <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Thanks a lot, Noga!

  • Oops! Sorry 'bout that. :)

  • Hey there folks!

    I'm just getting started on a prototype I'm going to (hopefully) be using in my game design thesis tests in a couple of weeks and I've run into a small problem.

    The idea is to create a simple platformer where the player controls a small creature that can run to the right and left and jump (no problem there). The interesting thing is that I want the player to be able to cling to a wall or ceiling and move along it as well. I'm thinking that the player will use the A and D keys to grab on to left and right walls respectively while using the arrow keys to move in the desired direction.

    For this I used the "Platform has wall to left"(/right) and different states (num variable) that are checked on tick by the system and implement different actions depending on state. for example, state 1 means that the player is hanging on a left wall and therefore has left and right arrow inputs ignored, while using up and down arrows to set the platform Y vector to -200 or 200 respectively. This has worked so far pretty all right.

    The problem is when I try to implement something like it to grabbing the ceiling objects I've created. Since there isn't a "Platform has ceiling on top" event, I've had to try and create my own way to check whether the player sprite is right under a ceiling, but it's proven a bit tougher than I expected since I'm so new to C2. It seems that I can't register a collision with a ceiling object when trying to jump up and grab a hold onto a ceiling object (in the attached file, I'm using an image of Master Roshi from Dragon Ball as an indicator that a collision has been detected between the player and ceiling object and/or that the player is in ceiling-hang-state), but there is a collision when the player lands onto a ceiling object (the only horizontal black rectangle in the game).

    I'm probably going about this the wrong way and am making stuff way more difficult than it needs to be (I tend to do that). Any tips?

    I apologize in advance for the messy file. I didn't intend on making it public so it's all a bit muddy and there's a bunch of needlessly confusing stuff (like having block, wall and ceiling be three different objects, for example). Oh, and the green circle is the player figure (placeholders everywhere, it's not pretty).

    Project File

    Any help and/or guidance would be appreciated!   

    Oh, and I searched the forums for this before starting to write this (of course) but only found a solution from two years back that I couldn't test in C2 since the files can't be imported, so I figured it was all right to ask here.

    Thanks in advance, forumites!


  • 14 posts