Ciao121's Forum Posts

  • I vote for it.

  • Burvey

    Thanks for the link. But IMHO 1 second should always be 1 second. Using or not using dt.


    That's was the problem (again!!!). I added set minimum framerate to 5 and the problem is no more here. I knew about the default minimum framerate. I had the problem also at 40 fps. Maybe the showed fps does not reflect the real fps... don't know...

  • I'm going mad with this.

    I made a simple counter that increases every 1.0 seconds.

    If I run it at ~60 fps it updates every 1 second. If I slow down the pc the counter is slower.

    Here's the capx: ... .capx?dl=0

    Here's a video (slowing down from 2 to 30 secs):

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Shouldn't 1 second be always 1 second (not depending on the framerate)?

  • Solve. The problem was due to minimum framerate.

    Setting minimum framerate to 1/10 (just to test extremely low framerates) solved

  • Hi,

    I have read this article: ... dependence

    I'm using dt but I'm not sure if I'm missing something because if I test I cannot get the results I expect.

    I have events like those:

    System > every tick > add 60*dt to counter.
    System > every tick> TEXT set text to counter.
    I expect to have the counter reach (i.e.) 300 after the same time if I use can run the game at 60fps or at 30fps. Am I right?
    I'm using an utility to reduce my cpu speed ([url=][/url]). The more I reduce the cpu speed the more the fps goes down (I have a text to display fps) but the more the counter slows (not expected). WhaT am I missing?
    Thank you!!!
  • Ciao121

    You could use ascii-codes:

    Keyboard | On any key pressed

    System | 65= Keyboard.LastLeyCode=90 -> Do something.

    Thank you; I thinked about it. But I preferred my solution becaouse it was easier "to read" in the code.

  • "On key pressed" asks you wich key shold be pressed to fire an action.

    So one should do:

    "On key pressed A"

    "On key pressed B"

    "On key pressed C"

    and so on...

  • I found way (maybe not the best.

    I have a global var "ABCDEFGHI.....Z" and I compare if the valuef from the keyboard is inside this var with find(Variable, Keyboard.StringFromKeyCode(Keyboard.LastKeyCode))

  • I see the "On ANY key pressed" in the keyboards event. How can I limit it to react only if an alphabetical char (A TO Z) is pressed?

    I'd like not to have multiple events like:





    and so on.....

    Is there a way?

    Thank you!

  • The plugin can receive.

    Websockets -> On received message (if I remember well)

  • Did not solve; Construct 2/32 + Java 32 does not work for me.

    I can successfully execute java from the command line and java -version returns:

    java version "1.8.0_111"

    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_111-b14)

    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.111-b14, mixed mode)

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  • I try to answer in this old thread before opening a new one.

    I have the same problem. Tried latest java version, tried 32 and 64 bits, tried downgrading up to java 7.

    No way to minimize.

    The only thing I have to try is to try the 32 bit version of Construct 2...

  • Hi,

    I would like to perform some action on export; I make an example:

    I'm developing a client/server game. Server is standalone node.js.

    When I update the client I'd like to update the $serverVers variable in the node.js server script (or in an external .js or .txt file), so I don't have to update it manually every time. Or maybe just a way to execute a batch file that I can use to perform what i need.

    I can't figure out a way to do it (maybe there is but I cannot find it). I think it could be useful,

  • Sorry to bother you with the same topic I wrote in the past.

    Finally I understood how appcache update system works and now everything changes

    1) If I full understood the releases notes the two triggers "Is downloading update" and "On update ready" were removed int r235. An if I'm right, this means I cannot force a message to make the user reload the game to use the latest version.

    2) in r240 three new triggers are introduced: "On offline ready", "On update found", "On update ready". But I cannot found those anywhere. (Yes, I'm using r240 )

    3) Service workers are seems to work only in Chrome and Firefox; so how can I force a message to make the user reload the game to use the latest version (see point 1)?

    The reason I need to have the player always use the last game version is because it is an online multiplayer game. If I add features to the server those will be available only tho players using the latest version. And if an user is not using the latest version he's disadvantage.

    One workaround I'm thinking about is to send the used client version number from the client to the server, and if the version is not the latest the server can send an update message (and the client will not allow the user to play until the client is reloaded).

    But this also has to problems:

    a) how can I show the update progress in every browser?

    b) I'm required to update the server software each time the client is updated (also if the server is not involved in those changes).

  • Yes, that was the object I was talking about.

    My doubt was because the way dropdown works in HTML.

    Anyway I solved reading the value on "selection changed" because I have all values in the AJAX.LastData.

    I'll keep in mind your suggestion if I'll need to change AJAX.LastData content.

    Thank you!