Chunkyfeather's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts
  • Thanks. I also noticed the "bug" came back

  • I am having the exact same problem.

    Anyone know how to get banner ads working with Intel XDk version 3088?

    Tried appodeal, it does work, but the permissions it "needs" are way too intrusive. read and write external storage and access coarse location, no ways will my users accept that.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • This appears to be a bug in Chrome. Star this report to follow updates:

    I think I found a workaround which I've integrated in to the next build: it will play a silent sound every 25 seconds, to avoid the 30 seconds of silence detection which seems to shut down Web Audio. It seems to work here, but I'm not sure if it covers every possible case. Anyway, star the issue and hopefully Google will fix the real problem soon.

    Thanks for the prompt fix, I will star the report.

  • Problem Description

    Sounds stop playing when you leave the application running without interactivity for more than a minute and a half on a mobile browser. The debug console shows the sound as playing and it never ends. Music is unaffected, only sounds are affected.

    As a result of this issue my published games (Intel SDK - Android export) seem to lose sound if the are not interacted with for more than a minute and a half.

    Attach a Capx

    Description of Capx

    This capx has a orange button, on touch, it will play a sound.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1 Run capx in preview, preview on device in debug mode
    • Step 2 Touch the button, you will hear the sound
    • Step 3 Now, leave app open for more than a minute and a half or so
    • Step 4 Touch the button, no sound will be heard

    Observed Result

    Looking under the debug information under audio, you will see the debug info indicate that sound is being played, yet no sound is audible, also, the debug information for the sound played is never cleared, more pushing of the button results in debug information being appended to the debug output.

    Expected Result

    When I touch the button, I should hear the sound being played.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES) - This is chrome on device, doesn't seem to affect PC browsers.
    • FireFox: (N/A)
    • Internet Explorer: (N/A)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10

    Construct 2 Version ID

    R216 (64 Bit)

    Observed Debug Information

    The playing sound grows longer and longer, while it appears to be playing sound, no sound is actually audible, plus the playing sound never clears and just appends.

  • Hey i was having the the same problem too sound work only for about a minute then stop completely on my phone it work ok in construct 2 but after intel xdk spit it out seem like it eat my game sound lol...

    anyway what i did to fix it was to change CLI 5.1.1 to CLI 4.1.2 on puff sound works perfect. I read intel fix 5.1.1 was to fix sound issue but no bug still in it... now check out to game now and hear for yourself Word Search DLP ... dsearchdlp


    i was using r216 first then i try r219 with CLI 4.1.2 so this should solve sound prob

    Thanks, will give that a whirl, but I think its a C2 bug to be honest. I have "hijacked" this bug thread.

  • no

    core plugin then media

    Will try, but problem happens even on chrome on browser through C2 Preview / Debugging.

  • use CLI 5.1.1 or CLI 4.1.2 + media plugin (the one with intel xdk)

    Hi thanks for the reply, I am a little confused by this as the issue even occurs before I have built the app using intel sdk, when I run the app on my phone through C2 preview on device, I get the same issue, so I dont think its related to IntelSDK anymore?

    But I am using CLI 5.1.1 when I build my app. Do I have to specifically add the plugin to my build?

    Are you referring to this plugin?

  • This is interesting. Remote debugging when the sounds stop working, this is what the debugger is showing. Each one was for when I clicked the button to play sound, they never actually play and each click of the button spawns another.

    Look at this screenshot

  • EDIT: Moved this to this thread, im convinced its a c2 bug.


    Weird issue here, I am thinking its intel SDK related, when I export my C2 game to intelSDK.

    Anyway, i created a simple CAPX one button that ontouch it plays a sound. Simple.

    When I create an APK using IntelSDK and install on phone it works fine, leave the app idling for say a minute and then the sounds stop. I have to force close the app and start the app again to get sounds working. Music works fine, just sounds stop.

    I am using

    C2 version R216

    Intel SDK version 2807

    Anyone having issues or had issues like this?


    EDIT: Similiar issue to this post

    Here is my capx.

  • discovered issue, I was spawning an object at same position every tick

    my bad.

  • darn, I cant post the url. Essence, I seem to lose image quality when I create a new object via an event. The images I am using are PNG.

  • Hi guys,

    Im new here and learning Construct2.

    I have a quick question, I cant seem to find the answer.

    When I add an object to my scene, it seems to lose opacity in the PNG file, is this an expected result?

    I have a screenshot of what i mean The image on the right I placed on the scene, the one on the left I created with an event.

    Can anyone correct the errors of my ways? Or point me in the right direction.



  • 13 posts