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  • I make tons of very small projects for my job, some of which use "Scale Outer" fullscreen mode while some use "Letterbox Scale" mode. But when coding my button that requests fullscreen mode, it doesn't seem to have an option to just default to the game's own Fullscreen Mode project property setting.

    This seems like the sort of option that would be here somehow and I'm just missing it but I can't find the option anywhere and have to keep coming back to change it manually to match an individual project's fullscreen mode property every single time... Is there a way to enter a fullscreen mode based on the property you've already set for the project?

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  • Hi! I dunno specifically what might be wrong with your project without looking at it but I've tried to make what you're aiming to do. Check out this project file, read through the comments in its event sheet, and let me know if it helps or if you have any other questions!

  • I'm making a 1st-person shooting gallery game where targets pop up randomly in 3D space and players touch-and-drag on their phone screens to move a cursor over the target and fire. I'd really like to use Z-elevation for the targets as I like the easy 3D perspective...but because objects at different z-elevations don't have their collision polygons move or change size, the player's cursor might look like it's lined up with a target only for it to not be considered overlapping it because of the target's z-elevation...

    In this mockup, player's cursor is over a target with a high z-elevation, so it looks like they should be able to shoot it there but in reality, cursor and target aren't considered overlapping here!

    So is there any clever way I can detect when my cursor object is overlapping a target at a higher z-elevation where it appears to be on the screen, rather than where its actual un-elevated collision polygon is? Oddly, it seems like mouse and touch can detect a z-elevated object where it appears, but object collisions (like with my cursor object) can't...

  • dop2000, you fantastic human being, this looks great! I should be able to integrate this solution into the main game and finally be free of this particular conundrum... Thank you!

  • calminthenight So the reasoning here is that I may have dozens or even potentially close to 100 objects - enemies included on-screen at once, and it seems really cumbersome to have to manually add 100 layers to the game between the background and HUD layers just in case I ever need that many and then also code a system that forcibly moves any objects or enemies that move closer/further than one another (which may happen frequently) to switch/re-order layers with each other on the fly such that there's still only one object per layer... I mean I had considered that as my absolute last resort up 'til now but it just felt like there had to be a cleaner way.

    dop2000 Apologies but I'm pretty new to the Drawing Canvas so I don't know that I've quite figured out what you're suggesting to do with it. I tried what I thought you meant:

    1. Drawing canvas above robot sprites (initially invisible so you only see ones in the canvas) with its drawing blend set to destination out

    2. "Paste object" both robots into the drawing canvas

    3. Drawing action like "Fill rectangle" to draw a hole in the canvas over the pasted drones

    But of course then I still end up with a hole that goes straight through both the front drone and the one behind it, just like before, so I'm probably misunderstanding... If it's not too much trouble, I've posted the small test project I tried this in here - could you give it a look and change it up to be like what you meant and post your version here?

  • The Intent

    I'm making an arcade first-person robot-shooty game. Several enemy robots can be on-screen at once, moving around or closer or further back from the camera during play. There's a mechanic where you can shoot a robot enough to break its armor and straight through to other targets behind it, so I'd like it to be visually possible to see other robots and objects *through* the bullet holes you're blasting into targets. Something like this mock-up image...

    The Problem

    I have "shothole" sprites that are pinned to robots when you shoot them, and they use destination out blend mode to cut out that bit of the robot sprite, revealing the background layer behind them. But all objects and robots exist in the same objects layer, so destination out will erase anything or anyone on this same layer behind whichever bot you shot. As seen in this pic of gameplay here...

    I've tried different combinations of blend modes on the shot holes and robots to no avail. Is there no way to mask out just a specific object on a layer instead of everything on it?

    Thank you to anyone reading this and offering ideas or help. I've been stuck on this for a long time and I hope I'm just missing an obvious answer I couldn't find on my own!

  • It's not just you, I'm getting the same thing when I could've sworn remote preview was working yesterday for me...

  • Hi guys, I've gone through the multiplayer tutorials, thought I'd try and make a basic game in which a peer connects to a host, and then both can jump around in a small platforming area. My main problem is that I can't seem to get the joining peer player to set his inputs (for example, he should have the "jump" input state set to 1 by holding space) to send to the host.

    I also have another, seemingly unrelated issue where on the peer's version of the game, he sees 4 characters (and 4 floating username texts) where he should just see the one for himself and one for the host. I'm thinking this has to be related to how the nametags for each character are part of a container with the character, and somehow, when the peer's character spawns, it spawns the nametag, and that accidentally spawns another nametag? I guess I don't have a full grasp on containers either.

    Any advice or ideas you can offer would be super appreciated! Thanks!

  • 8 posts