chrisnewman's Forum Posts

  • 7 posts
  • chrisnewman Guinness CDogs1964 -- please see second part of the top post for possible solution to the black screen problem on iOS 10 > ... pic/685395 <

    Thanks. Doing this in construct2.js

    /*		this.isWKWebView = !!(this.isiOS && this.isCordova && window.indexedDB); */
            this.isWKWebView = false;
    has got me out of a hole until this is properly addressed.
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  • Has not worked for me, even copy/pasting your config.xml and building my app with your app's name.

    Has anybody else had success, using Cordova on a Mac to create the Xcode project (i.e. not letting XDK do the work)?

  • Checking in to let you know your suggestion has not solved this in the issue I originally reported.

    I have tried every possible combination of lines that might vary between the two config.xml files and still haven't got past the black screen. The access control lines you said you thought made the difference were actually included in my (no-longer-working) project already though.

    Perhaps I'm just not understanding what you've said correctly. Is there any chance you could step through with a "Hello World" type app and find the point at which a C2-exported project becomes a working project again? I suspect this precise difference is what would be needed to fix the exporter anyhow!

  • Are you editing files before or after "cordova prepare ios"? Which line(s) in your config.xml above made the difference?

  • Reassured to see others experiencing this, and thanks for posting it as a bug. I'm not convinced we can blame C2 over Cordova or iOS, but I'm happy to contribute more information as required if Scirra will look into it.

  • I'd already seen the recommendation to add the CSP tag but it did not help. Also, it's not necessary to get non-C2 apps to launch.

  • A game that passed App Review a few weeks ago has ended up being unplayable once users upgrade to iOS 10. After the splash screen, there is just a black screen and nothing appears to load. Has anyone experienced this and found a workaround?

    I've stripped everything down to the most basic C2 project I could: a single layout with one "Hello, World" text object. This issue is consistently reproducible for me with Cordova 6.3.1 and iOS platform 4.2.1. C2 is latest stable r233.


    $ cordova create testapp com.mycompany.testapp testapp

    $ cd testapp

    $ cordova platform add ios --save

    (Copy any exported C2 project to "www" folder)

    $ cordova prepare ios

    Running on an iOS device or in simulator gives the black screen and in the logs there is only a message like:

    Finished load of: file:///var/containers/Bundle/Application/3D48F237-F760-4F33-A08E-4A113A576B05/[/code:2wc8fnyc]
    Running on an iOS 9.3 device it still works as expected.
    Further, building the app with a simple non-C2 web app appears to launch as expected on device and in the simulator.
    I found suggestions of adding an appropriate Content-Security-Policy tag to index.html, and have tried this with no success.  What other configuration might be necessary to get the game to run on iOS 10, that I could have overlooked and was not strictly necessary on iOS 9?
  • 7 posts