chrisbrobs's Forum Posts

  • Ruskul

    I posted an example in the effects forum, Its not 100% finished, but it's no good stuck on my hard drive!.

  • lookupfilter effect.

    requested by ruskul.

    Based on code from:

    How To Use:

    1) Use your photo editing application to apply a filter to the 'lookup.png' original thats included.

    // For this to work properly each pixel color must not depend on other pixels (e.g. blur will not work).

    See the example project to better understand it. (not 100% finished)

    Fx files and demo-

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  • Ruskul

    When you say 'color lookup filter', is it the same as the 'ramp' texture that cocos 2d uses.

  • Ruskul

    'This has been bothering me for a week now. Does anyone know if you can reference another texture besides samplerfront and samplerback?

    I want to make a dirty lens bloom and a color lookup filter. Both require a second texture.'


    Use a 'color lookup filter' as your 'samplerback' or 'samplerfront'.

    Or introduce a color gradient as a vec4.

  • You could also download the project from-


    Quit a few of the effects shipped with C2 are ported from this, and many of them can easily

    be changed to work in C2. (there are about 150 effects included)

    <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Ruskul

    'Having support for webgl, but then no documentation is like if there was no documentation for the sdk. Sure you can figure out everything through trial and error, and simply going through code, but that can take hours.'


    There are quite a few shader tutorials and guides on the forums -

    The following topics in the Effects section might help-

    ' Documentation on built-in uniforms'

    ' About WebGL effects'

    'WebGL Effects List '

    The easiest method is to download the 'javascript-sdk-template'.

    Inside you will find the 'effect template' and start from that.

    Many of the standard shaders supplied with C2 have descriptive lines included-

    Good luck.

  • Zathan

    Try this, it might be something you could mod for you game-

    Drag the arrow to change the wave start point.

    Its uses a Webgl shader that is included in the download.

  • Screeshot of an 8 frame running sprite with the shader effect ' on ' and ' off '

    Before and after frames -

  • Quick update on the shadow tool.

    I managed to put together a shader effect that cuts out all the events needed in the original tool.

    Just needs a pit of tweaking.

    I will update post when its done.


  • Solomon

    Thanks for the interest...still having problems running it from Dropox(preview mode works fine?) so I'm working on a Webgl version.

  • jobel

    'maybe I'm using it wrong? when I make any shape sprite it fills up the entire sprite box and you can't see anything behind the sprite at all. Opacity doesn't work, and all the transparency of the base sprite seems to be gone..

    I'd like to use it as fog-like effect over the background image.'

    I can't upload any examples to Dropbox at the moment, so I can't post you an only need to add,change the following in the fx and xlm files-

    1, Add a param named 'mixamount' to the fx file

    uniform float mixamount; //parameters 0(no mix) to 100 (full mix),

    2, change the last line to-

    gl_FragColor = mix(front,mixcolor,((mixamount/10.)*0.2))*front.a;

    This will create a moving fog effect on top of your sprite.

    I will post an example as soon as I can.

  • jobel

    The effect has basic transparency, for example try using a circular sprite instead a rectangle?

    If this is not what you want, can you provide a sample pic of what you need?


  • RamPackWobble

    "would you use it?" - yes, it looks good and I could certainly use it - How much moolah are you asking?


    At the moment 'Zero moolah'

    Unfortunately I have encountered a problem when I export it from doesn't work?

    Preview mode works ok, but if I export to dropbox, and run it, the shadows dont render correctly.

    I am currently trying to solve the problem.

  • really nice clone.