chrisbrobs's Forum Posts

  • dellong

    'I see it in chrome'

    I've only tested it using Nodeweb browser , my card is blacklisted by Chrome.

    Have you tested using this as your browser option?

    It could be a graphic's card driver issue? not sure with limited info.

  • Rotatable 3D looking Sphere.

    Usefull for Planets in space ..etc.

    1 parameter - RotSpeed. -10 to 10.

    (0.0 = static )

    fx files and demo-

    //Based on code from Adrian Boeing_Blog_ Sphere effect in WebGL.


    New version..added 17 April 2016

    Please test and let me know if it works.


    Added 07/05/2016

    GLSL 2DSphere effect

    Based on 'Simple 2D GLSL Sphere' .

    The creator posted-

    'Simple 2D GLSL Sphere based on Adrian Boeing’s sphere effect in WebGL. I modified the pixel shader in order to have the effect in texture space and not in screen space and I added a discard if pixels are out of the unit disc.'

    Hopefully it should render better than the webgl version.

    please test.

  • arcab072081

    wow, that's something that I could really use!!

    Nearly done!


    For anybody following this post, just a quick update.

    100% working now...after 2 month headache Couldn't get the shadow to centre correctly but I solved it.

    Here's 2 screengrabs I took tonight (sorry had to post them) of a endless runner game Iv'e been using to test it.

    Will update asap.

  • newt



    Thanks for the feedback guys.

    The only problem with the shader is the 'blockiness' that starts to appear when the strength goes over 7.

    Iv'e tried every combination I can think of to reduce it..I will update it when I find the solution.

  • baboulinet

    Happy days!

    Let me know what you make with it.

  • Basic Blur effect shader.

    1 parameter-

    strength 0 to 8

    fx and xml files-(place in C2 effects folder)

  • zenox98


    'So this will be an effect that can be applied to individual sprites, and not something that affects the whole scene'

    You can also add it to individual blur everything on that particular layer.

  • zenox98

    Thanks zeno98..I've been trying to add it to a moving object to automatically update the params.

    Something like-

    System / Every Tick >

    PlayerSprite... Set effect"DirectionBlur" parameter 1 to > int((playerSprite.8Direction.Speed)/100) (*6),

    (assuming max speed is about between 400 to 600)

    ....seems to work ok, for the strength. I just need to sort the events for the angle ?

  • Directional Blur that could also be used to mimic Motion Blur.


    1, BlurAmount (Strength)

    2, Angle (Direction)

    Fx flies and demo-

    W.I.P need a bit of tweaking.

    Thanks to R0J0hound for help with angle coordinates.

  • TheDom


    Iv'e 90% finished a fx shader that looks half decent. Here's a screen grab-

    The problem is passing info from the player input...keyboard press etc.

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  • saiyadjin

    Your forgiven



    PLease note . I actually PM'd Pode with regards to 'using / modding' his work.

    He responded ''Of course, you can use it and modify it as you wish'

  • LeuNoeleeste

    The map in your 'SpriteIlluminator' example is upside down!

    Have a play about with this example, you can produce a 'height map' effect for testing.


    heightmap shader.

    Demo capx. ... ghtmap.rar


    Very impressed with your C.V and credentials but a bit off topic and a bit negative. Cheer up !


    Looks good. how does it work.

    Later Addition-

    Here's an example combining the effect with 'Podes lighting demo' ... fx%20.capx

    (No imported Heightmap needed)

  • LeuNoeleeste

    'Even if it's better, it's still really tough. Now, we have some solutions already "included" in our current Construct 2. Evoked in the topic above, we can try the Pode's dynamic light effect. It's a really good work, but it's not in development anymore (Pode himself is mostly absent these days...) and we can't really ask anything or wait some improvements for it. The Bumpmapping Effect (alreay included) was my last subject of studies, and the answers on my topic say it all'

    Playing around with Pode's dynamic light effect and a bit of tweaking, I managed to come up with a

    way to create a basic Height map directly from player's sprite.

    Its not on a par with Sprite Lamp or Sprite DLight, but I will post something when I improve it.

    Here's some screen grabs-

  • Thanks ROJOhound (worked on first test!)


    'I'm not super clear about what you're doing but here's the formula'

    (motion blur effect)

  • My shader currently uses 'offSetX and offSetY to alter the vec2(tex) coordinates.

    (see below)

    This works fine for one direction, but when I add all the other directions into

    it, I end up with another 30 or so lines.

    So my question do add an 'Angle' parameter into the equation?

    Changing the calculations to something like -


    would simplify things, but after 2 weeks of trawling the Internet for a solution,

    I have come no closer to solving the problem.
