Chris118's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • Thanks randomly. I'll work on improving my tarnished reputation, but in the meantime, I'll follow your instructions when posting to the forum.

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  • Thanks randomly. I'll give linear damping a try.

    This isn't directly related to my physics question, but for future reference, how do I embed a screen capture into my posts, or attach a CAPX?

    Thanks again.

  • I have a sprite moving around my mobile device's screen via Touch/Tilt controls and Physics. I would like this sprite to slow down when it is overlapping another sprite. I've been able to accomplish this using the "Is Overlapping" condition and the following expression: 'Set Physics velocity to (Self.Physics.VelocityX/2 , Self.Physics.VelocityY/2). Which is good, however, I've read elsewhere in these forums that setting velocity manually is not recommended. So, I've also tried changing the Density, Friction, etc. to slow down my sprite, but this yielded less predictable results than changing the velocity.

    Is there a better way to accomplish this? I'm even open to not using physics at all, if another behavior like 8 Direction or Bullet would give me the same realistic motion as Physics does.

    I can post the CAPX, or a screen capture of my Even Sheet, if I can get permission to do so.

    Thanks and regards!

  • Bueller, Bueller?

  • I'm using Touch with Compare Orientation (gamma and beta), and with Physics, Apply Force at Angle to move a sprite around my tablet as I tilt it. The sprite is moving fine, albeit at a constant speed. I would like the sprite to move slower/faster as the tilt decreases/increases but I haven't been able to come up with the proper expression, or if I should even be using Force to accomplish this. Thanks in advance for any advice.

  • Thanks everyone. I'll dig deeper and post what I learn.

  • I know that, by default, the direction of gravity is down along the Y axis. I also know that I can change gravity's direction to up, by entering a negative value (e.g., -10). What I'd like to know is can the direction of gravity be set to either right or left along the X axis?

    If the answer is no and that I should use Force instead, what would the equation be to mimic the force of gravity? Thank you.

  • Thanks badmoodtaylor! I wasn't sure what to expect regarding performance -- it sounds like 40 - 50 fps is reasonable. I'll try adjusting the force based on tilt, per your recommendation. Thanks again.

  • I'm trying to create a game that's similar to those vintage dexterity puzzles where you have to roll little balls into holes punched into a picture. I'm using the physics behavior and tilt (gamma and beta) to control the movement. For the most part I have a single "ball" rolling around the screen when I tilt my mobile device and it deflects realistically off of immovable objects, however, it seems like my approach, while simple, isn't ideal. The reason I think it could be better is because the performance seems a bit sluggish for such a simple scene -- only 7 objects, 6 of which are immovable, and between 40 - 50 fps on an iPad 2.

    I don't have an easily accessible place to post my event sheet screen capture so I'm typing in the events below.

    1. System -- On start of layout -- ball -- Set Physics world gravity to 0

    2. Touch -- Gamma orientation < -2 -- ball -- Apply Physics force 2 at angle 180 at image point 0

    3. Touch -- Gamma orientation > 2 -- ball -- Apply Physics force 2 at angle 0 at image point 0

    4. Touch -- Beta orientation < -2 -- ball -- Apply Physics force 2 at angle 270 at image point 0

    5. Touch -- Gamma orientation > 2 -- ball -- Apply Physics force 2 at angle 90 at image point 0

    That's it!

    Thanks for any advice!

  • Thanks for the quick response!

  • Greetings,

    I'm brand new to Construct2 (purchased less than a week ago), and while working through the beginners platform tutorial, I tried placing the Keyboard Object and got the message shown below. The message stayed on-screen for a 5 second countdown and then disappeared and the Keyboard Conditions window never opened.

    I'm hoping this is just due to my inexperience with the application and nothing more.



  • 11 posts