Chris PlaysOldGames's Forum Posts

  • Make a rectangular sprite with a width of your "progress" (ie. 1-100%, use 100 pixels width), now simply change the width +1 or -1 each time the key is pressed.. voila magic

  • Hmm without seeing the .capx its tough to guess. One option if its seeing the rotation that bothers you would be to wait a second before making them visible.

    In my space shooter the enemies come from the right side, I flipped all my sprites to get it to work right rather than changing their facing via code.

  • Yes there is. Open each one up in the internal sprite editor (aka double click them) and change their rotation using the little tools on top and rotate them 90 degrees.

    The "front" of a sprite (ie. 0 degrees) is the right hand side.

    If this doesn't fix it, make sure your not setting an angle somewhere or changing a frame if it has animation.

    If that is not the case attach your .capx file and it should be easy to locate the problem.

  • You could always have the variable save the objects X,Y coordinates instead and then compare them when its dropped to +1 a moved variable if they are different than the stored ones. You could then use this variable to make the object "pop" back if they dropped it in an invalid location.

  • Give the left headed bullets a negative speed.. ie -100.

    Or set their angle... its easier to just set their default in object properties bullet behavior to -100 then set speed like normal after creation and they should go the right way (which would be left...).

  • Not quite sure what you mean by "has no properties". Are you referring to bullet behavior properties? If so, make sure you have assigned the plasma object a bullet behavior.

    Also I believe you can attach a .capx file with no rep so attach what you have got so far and it will be easier for someone to sort it out for you.

    In Construct2 choose "Save as single file" option to make a .capx file.

  • I got it working (the best I can tell based on your very vague description of game play and progress thus far).

    It at least now spawns level 2 as desired and it stops when it hit level 1. You had an of-screen block for spawning level2 so it fell into the game on mouse click, I moved it off screen so this didn't happen.

    One thing you need to consider, block alignment is going to be your main problem. If you remember in Tetris when you moved a piece it moved in grid increments (which was part of the fun.. tap, tap tap, drop).. you will need to create some way to make sure they are aligning correctly. I will get back with you if I think of an easy way.

    If you made sure all objects spawned at block width increments and instead of bullet to move you used a move-object-x-pixels (width of 1 block) at a time it might work.

  • Decide how long you want a wave to last and set an event that begins when the game starts that waits x time then sets a variable to 1, repeats and sets to 0, repeat... and have your boss triggered however long after this variable is detected to be 1.

    My side scrolling space shooter (in my sig) uses waves simply for time, I have 100 waves till final boss. I can adjust my wave length (pun) to decide how long it takes the player to reach the end to keep it from getting boring, or too easy. In mine currently every 7 seconds a new wave begins and on waves 25, 50, and 75 a boss spawns and on 100 the final boss spawns. I toyed with making it infinity style but realized pretty quick that creating new content and scaling up current enemies forever you eventually reach a critical mass with a shooter unlike an obstacle avoiding game where its the players concentration or rhythm that carries them through.

  • Node-webkit is the one I was referring too, it is built off a browser.

    If your game depends on resolution to look its best or have various levels of graphics you want to show off then by all means allow the user to set resolution. Otherwise pick what your game looks best at. For most games unless you made your sprites pretty small they are going to scale up rather nicely anyways.

  • Construct2 uses a "pick" method to determine what instance to operate on at any given time. If you do not "pick" an instance it will apply the action to all. This is what you are experiencing.

    You "pick" an instance by referencing it in the conditions portion of an event.

    Sounds like you simply need to add a "is-not-moving" condition to the event that sets up your turret actions. You can do this via an instance variable in the object itself.

    Add a .capx of what you got so far if that doesn't help you any.

  • I am not sure exactly what you are trying to accomplish, my suggestions were pretty basic Construct2 concepts.

    When an object is selected in the layout view look to the left side of the interface and you will see properties of that object. In this area you can click "behaviors" and get a pop-up box to add behaviors to that object. Select all your objects and give them the solid behavior and see if that causes the effect you are after.

    Also add a .capx of what you have so far so we can tweak it rather than having to recreate it from scratch.

  • Wow, lofty goal..

    This intrigues me.. I will give it some thought and try to throw something together. I am currently busy making a turn-based combat game that doesn't use any arrays or tiles... it was one of those.. I bet I can figure this out things, and I have.. so maybe next I will work on a paint example.

  • Open the animation itself in the image/animation editor and look to the left hand properties column of the Construct2 interface. It may be set to run through by default when it is first created, change these to 0 times a second and non-looping.

    If that doesn't fix it then try adding a manual stop-animation and (if needed) a set-frame-to-x event when you want to stop.

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  • In order of actions sequence you should also set the bullet speed before you give it in angle (if you have it set to 0 by default).

    Also keep in mind that a negative speed is left and positive speed is right. While this doesn't matter since your setting angle, I add it in case you ever want an object being moved with a bullet event to go from right to left, the bullet speed will need to be negative unless you set its angle manually.

  • Give your black sprites and the floor a solid behavior and they should stop each other.

    If that don't work:

    In your events you stop the sprites if they hit the floor but don't stop them if they hit another sprite. You would need an "on-overlap-with-blacksprite" event to also set bullet speed to 0.

    To stop side-by-side sprites causing an overlap that stops them you will need to make sure their collision bounds are well within the edges of the shown sprite on its sides bus when fitting in a hole... isn't construct2 fun..t is at the edge in the bottom/top middle area so they stop each other vertically on overlap but don't overlap on sides with neighbors of the same "block"...