Cherico's Forum Posts

  • Same problem, when object reached the end of the line...

    And an update to change speed and acceleration/deacceleration would be great!

    the plugin can be very useful to realize an tower-defense-game, but it's not nice when the enemys walk on an short way slower then on an long way...

    But: Great work! Great Behavior!

  • For example, here are 2 variations of some "tests" i create now.

    THE FIRST ONE uses sprites, wo are "growing" (okay, in this case i know why the framerate goes down when the object-counter reaches ~2,5k). Need a bit time to see the effect ;)

    THE SECOND ONE uses only background-objects - but when object-counter reaches more then ~13k, the framerate also goes down... :(

    In MMF, when i "create" an background-object, the frames don't go down...

    Is there a way to manage this in C2?

  • Hello Community!

    First, sorry about my englisch *g*

    Next, i bought C2 and i love it :)

    Years ago i used MMF (MultiMediaFusion) to create some... things... *hehe*

    Now i fell in love with C2, but there's one thing, that i miss.

    In MMF you could change things into a background-image, so it don't needs ressources anymore - calles "paste into background".

    Example: Animation of ObjectX is over = paste into background

    Means: When an animation of an object is over, an background-object of the last visibly frame will be createt on the same spot - and it don't need any ressources (great for permanent visible blood, dirt, bullets, corpses, whatever *g*).

    In C2 EVERY object needs power/ressources, i think.

    In one experiment i created sprite-object every tick, in another experiment i created tiled-backgrounds (blood-sprites, for example, that don't disappears). In both cases the framerate goes down when the objects counts more then 11k, whether sprites or backgrounds.

    Is there a way to create those "backgrounds" and save power/ressources?

    Thans and sorry again for my english (thanks google translate *hehe*)

  • I overseen that the player should run "over the edge" and not falling, so i changed my example - i hope it wors better (with custom-movement you can change it so that player can not jump, if you need)


  • It's not exactly what you want, i know, but maybe it will helps you...


    (sorry about my english in comments *hehe* )

  • Hello again, great community!

    Why does it not work, when i give the command:

    animation: on any finished = destroy object

    For me it meas, when "any" animation (also does not workd when i named an specific animation) is finished, so the last animation frame is reached, the object will be destroyed - but it does not work!

    The object will stay in frame and count also as an "active" object.

    (for testing i always make a text-object to "count" all objects)

    And another question is, is it possible to create an backdrop-object from an sprite-object?

    For better understanding: in MMF and TGF it was possible, to create an backgdrop- from an active-object like:

    animation is finished:

    • create backdrop object
    • destroy

    It means, when an animation is finished, a "backdrop" will be cloned from the "active", and the "active" will be destroyed - so it does not count anymore as an object 'couse it's destroyed, but it leaves an vestige...

    I hope you undertsand and sorry about my english (thanks google-translate *hehe*)

  • Edit: i get it ;)

  • It works absolutly great - very very very big thanks!

    But i have another problem...


    When i build a tower near at the end of the road and an enemy reaches the end (out of screen - there he will be destroyed), the tower does not react anymore... As the thought "Hu... Where is he?!"

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  • Ok, i get it - thank you very very very much!!!

    The community and the people here are so great!!!

    But now i have another problem :(

    The distance is (in our case) 128px - but how do i realize it when i have diffent towers with different ranges?

    So tower1 have 128px, tower2 196px, tower3 256px,...

    And when i upgrade an tower his range also increases...

  • And whats with the instance variables? Have i also change it to family-variables?

  • Thanks - works fine!

    But is it possible, that it also works with "familys", so i don't have to create a lot of events for each kind of tower and enemy?

  • Hello and sorry about my english!

    I try to make an TowerDefense Game - yes, i know it's hard and Pong would be easier *hehe*

    I make a lot of things for these game what works fine for me (buying diffent types of towers, upgrading towers, sell towers, path-finding for enemys,...), but there's one thing i'm not able to accomplish:


    HERE you can see a test (HTML5) and HERE you can download the .capx file

    (includes only the most necessary objects)

    My problem/question: why does the tower loose the target to the enemy he already shot, BEFORE the distance is more then (in this example) 128px?

    I already tried out the turrets-addon, but i also don't get fixed it... :(

    Thanks very much!

  • Hello and sorry about my english ;)

    I played a bit with BumpMapping effects and i noted, that the Y-Axis of the "Light" is wrong... I don't know how i could explain better but when you look closely to the effect, you can see, that the reflection of the light is opposite where it have to been normally...

    I've make a quick "demo" so i hope you see what i want to explain ;)

    (and also in the "Rain Demo" of the "Ghost Shooter" is it so)


  • Thanks!