ceeBat's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • That is brilliant! I knew it was probably something simple but that will be fun to test out. Thank you very much for the help.

  • I apologize if this has been posted a million times I have read over most of the links for the videos and demonstrations but have had a hard time finding an example. I mostly get results back for auto runner levels but that is not what I wanted to do. That just gives the appearance of scrolling through a bigger level. I wanted to have a set level design already. Like Mario levels that auto scroll to the end and if you can't keep up with camera you are killed.

  • Hello I am working on setting up my game with a similar control scheme. I have been having trouble finding a guide or anything that shows how you go about this. Do you have any updates on your game or offer any advice on setting up for a mobile device using tilt controls to move the character in portrait mode. I know you posted this a long time ago, but I just stumbled upon it today. Thanks for the time.

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  • So I was curious to find out if anyone knows the answer to this. I was looking around trying to figure out how they animated the tracks in Super Mario Kart before the use of 3d was available. I understand how the actual character work driving along on their tracks but when looking at the sprites from the track you get this

    http://www.spriters-resource.com/game_b ... eet/40707/

    which is a a picture of the image of the track from above. I am guessing that they just skewed the tiles to a certain degree to get the 3d effect. Does anyone know how that was pulled off? Also is it possible to do something similar in Construct 2?

  • Thanks for the quick response Ramones everything is working perfect now. I downloaded a new license to my "My Documents" folder as well replacing my old license in the "Construct 2" installation folder with a new version and reset the computer and that did the trick.


  • I have been pouring over the forums and even the "How do I FAQS" (and thanks making those they are all super helpful!) and I haven't been able to find an answer to this. So I do apologize if this topic has come up before.

    I wanted to find out how to create the events and behaviors for a character like Yoshi or Kirby from the old SNES games. The main character sucks in enemy with air or tongue and then that character can be shot back out with each bad guy enemy having different attributes. If you suck in a red turtle shell you spit out fire. If you suck in a blue turtle shell it makes you fly if you suck a yellow turtle shell it gives super speed for examples of different behaviors. And I wanted to be able to aim the turtle shells (or enemies) so you can shoot them back out at angle and bouncing off walls a la Yoshi's Island. I'm still new to this and creating projects to help practice and refine things but I am not a big coder, so I figure it would be easier to ask on here for the help. You guys have done such a good job of clearing up and showing examples so I wanted to ask for assistance.

    Thank in advance!

  • Originally I had downloaded the free version of Construct 2 and I immediately fell in love with it (and the community here) and upgraded to the personal license. Then a few days later I downloaded a new version of Construct (r147) and when I started up the program I got the following message:

    "A license file for Construct2 was found, but there was an error loading it. Construct 2 has reverted to the free version."

    Does anyone know what I need to do to fix it so my full version works again

  • Love Construct 2! I was reading the tutorial and the general rule of thumb is to place an opaque block the size of the character to assign all the behaviors to. It showed a great example of this in the tutorial but what if my Main character starts out small and then gets bigger. Lets use Mario as an example. He start out small in the beginning. So I make a "Player Box" 16x16 to represent the size of small mario. Then when he gets a one up he grows to 16x32. Do I have to create all my behaviors for a small mario and a large mario and have two different size "player boxes"? Or is there a way for it that player box to change like an animation?


  • 8 posts