CDogs1964's Forum Posts

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  • Your issue is that it processes so fast that when you set SettingsTrigger to 1, it is being 'touched' so it starts the 2nd fade.

    Instead of checking for SettingTrigger = 1, check for the Opacity of one of the buttons to be 0. This way it will only trigger if the

    options are hidden.

    Instead of checking for SettingTrigger = 0, check for the Opacity of one of the buttons to be 100. This will only trigger once the options are visible. You could also check for >0 if you wanted to allow them to close them before they are 'fully open'.

    Hope that helps. I can send it to you if you like.

  • I came to the forums to look this exact thing up. It would be a nice feature and I do not think people should brush it off as "not a high priority". As someone who has been working in software for 25+ years, it can be the little things that make working in an environment more enjoyable. Commenting one's code is Coding 101. I think with C2's structure, it is often where you run into situations where you have a "lot" of actions from 1 event, but when you do, this would be very helpful. For now, I just tried to break it out into smaller functions for readability purposes.

  • I believe if you are working on a Mac, it is Command-A instead of Ctrl-A.

  • Hello DrageoN

    First, I would recommend that you use separate event sheets for each layout. It makes it much easier to code and to read later. For example, you have multiple "On Start of Layout" events, but it is tough to know which layout you are talking about. As you develop your game, you can begin to use shared event sheets when there are function shared across multiple layouts.

    I'm not 100% sure this is what you are referring to with 1.) above, but it seems once someone loses, their health goes to 0 and you destroy the player. When the player tries to come back in, the event which checks for the health is triggered and you are immediately brought out again.

    Something else I would look at is you set the LevelNumber to 1 as a global variable and then add 1 to it on Start of Layout which would bring it to 2?

  • Accidentally hit something and submitted - post is below. Sorry.

  • Hello Cyrad. I believe you can do the following:

    • Make sure it is the only layer unlocked for editing on the current layout
    • Hit Ctrl-A to select all (Since this layer is only unlocked, it will only select those objects)
    • Over on properties, simply select the new layer

    Hope that helps.

  • Hello I'm Chris!

    I had an idea for a game and ran it by a friend (developer) 3+ years ago and we are just getting close to finishing it up. (Adobe/Actionscript) Working on the game has gotten me pumped about making games in general so I started searching for environments that would make it easy to get something done quickly, but had enough power to add some nice features if necessary. I found Construct 2 and so far I love it. I had to buy a personal license because the idea of I am working on outgrew the free version. Hoping I have to buy the Business License at some point!

  • Any luck with this?

  • I have read up on Local Storage and feel comfortable moving forward with it, but I am not 100% comfortable with comments regarding the data saved off and whether it is protected. If a player clears their cache, can it be wiped out?

    If you have a game where players need to play through a lot of levels and you need to save off their progress in addition to coin counts, is the only sure way to do this with a web-based DB? Is there any way to do it locally if the user gives permission?

    My apologies if this answer is out there on the forums somewhere. I just cannot seem to find a definitive answer. Thank you in advance for any help.

  • The original post on this thread stated "I suppose this will come a little bit later, but a manual entry for it would also be greatly appreciated. "

    Is there anything out there that describes Local Storage and explains how to use it? I have searched and cannot seem to find anything other than people showing small examples of their work. Not a complaint, but I find it odd to recommend changing code we have written to a new feature without giving any documentation about the new feature. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  • Is there a place in the manual or forums that gives a descriptions and shows the full use of Local Storage? I remember reading the release notes of how it was replacing WebStorage, but I still see WebStorage in the manual with no mention of Local Storage? Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks.

  • Thanks. There were a few answers tossed out, but it seems the answers given did not resolve his issue.

    Is it that files that are imported are rounded up to be stored with a "power of 2" size? So If I have a file that is say 300 x 75, is it saved as 512 x 512? Just thinking out loud...

    Also, he was concerned with a 12MB footprint. Does that mean 50MB is big? haha

  • I have not exported as of yet. Maybe I should be more direct and ask if a 50MB capx would be considered "big"?