carlosgs's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • Nice games dude.

    Subject 000 is pretty fun and the character animation is nice, used spriter? But the main menu looks a bit unpolished, a explanation about game modes would be a nice implementation.

    Doodle rider is pretty hard, can't manage to drive and draw at same time... and sometimes the walls force sharp changes in the road. But is certainly challenging.

    Can't wait to see more games!

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  • I have an Intel HD 4600 onboard, almost same power as the Intel HD 4400. It works well with construct, support webgl, but you may notice frame drops if your project uses several effects like oilpainting and blur (i started to notice frame drops when used blur on real time shadows, looks smooth, but is a bit demanding).

  • Doesnt work either

    Can't solve this.

    It just happens on spriter animations

  • Hello everyone,

    I'm still learning how to use Spriter Plugin, but I found a problem that I can't solve.

    I have a humanoid character composed of various parts: head, arms, torso, legs and a lantern. I'm trying to make a button that turns the lantern invisible (hide it).

    The lantern was animated in spriter too.

    Already tried to set player_sprites_lantern invisible when one specific button is pressed... but doens't seems to work.

  • 4 posts