Hello everybody, I'm brazilian, so forgive me for not being with good English.
Well, I'm trying to create a game to ask a girl for dating. The game that I thought would be in principle platform but had some problems and decided to change it to a game of catapult. My idea is to be the Angry Birds style, but it should hit the hearts on a sprite to represent herself, but I'm having some difficulties. The template that already comes with Construct 2 catapult, she shoots just a "projectile", in my case that would be infinite. Could, for parts, but when I throw the first she simply falls without the action of the angular force to launch it and then the second on, the force that is to shoot the next projectile is added even to those who were already launched. Here is a printscreen of eventsheet I'm using:
<img src="http://i44.tinypic.com/2n8d2kk.png" border="0" />
Thank you in advance.