Carbincopy's Forum Posts

  • You could also try and move the behavior to the c2 behaviors folder and hope it works.

  • As the behavior was created by a 3rd party. You might have to look for the creator of the Behavior or put out a request with a link to the behavior files so that some else can modify it for C2. As my knowledge limited as to what it takes to make a plugin for C2. I will not be much help in this matter. But if it where WP I could make those modifications. Have fun and Enjoy. JC

  • Looks a good base, but to enhance playability I suggest:

    1 - make the player ship faster

    2 - make more lives (at least three)

    3 - when you lose a life make the ship flash for three seconds (while it' s invulnerable), don' t restart the level everytime

    Hi, keep up the good work!

    The plans are to build it out like the classic arcade game Galaga. I am currently adding new features about every 7 days.

  • Here is a good tutorial on the subject. always best to follow the tutorial to better understand how it works, But for the lazy designer there is a .capx file attached. Have fun and enjoy. JC

  • There are many ways of disabling events. Toggle disables, On start of layout (event disable), Group disabled and others like sprite behavior on start disables. Depends on what you are trying to do. As to where to disable the feature.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • issue is TiledBackground ( Use sprites for regions ) instead of backgrounds as they usually expand or contract with screen hight-width.

  • add a second condition to that (for each (player/enemy)) so it checks which is active.

  • Is that lambo from GTA 1?

    I do believe it may have come from a GTA sprite strip.

  • I thought the link was attached.. Sorry here it is

    have fun and enjoy. JC

  • Classic Arcade Style Space Shooter.

    Currently version offers:

    Multi-Control options.

    KeyBoard, Mouse and Mobile Touch enabled. Choose you preferred Controls.

    High Score Displayed on Death.

    Leader Board updated on score greater then High Score.

    Unlimited random game play. Every Game is purely Random from the start.

    Currently One Life game play.

    Have Fun and Enjoy. JC

  • Classic arcade style space shooter.

    currently in design phase. no mouse or mobile touch controls as of this release.

  • Hello everybody, here is my latest game creation using pathfinding.

    Kill All Bugs Version 1.0

    Have Fun and Enjoy JC

  • zenox98


    So you're saying you did post here deliberately.

    But Construct Classic has no relevance to HTML 5 so posting here is pointless, other than creating more work for mods having to check the post.

    Hello Zenox98,

    It has nothing to do with creating more work for MOD's.

    It has to do with Construct 2 and reaching potential customers with a problem with understanding pathfinding and Nodes. Since this thread is 1st for pathfinding in Google, Yahoo and Bing and The Information that was shared is for a working solution to the Issue with Nodes in Construct any version not just Construct Classic or Construct 2.

    If you believe this and other construct classic posts are of no value to the users of construct. Please fill free to wipe out all the extra traffic coming to from these posts.

    Have a great day and enjoy. JC

  • Yah! that AI can Run a tough race.

  • Ok! My racing game uses path finding to move the AI car around the track.

    Which acts just like NODES with out writing all the points.

    On start of layout

    find path sprite 1,

    on path found move along path,

    On arrive and car is overlapping sprite 1, find path to sprite 2,

    on path found move along path,

    on arrive and car is overlapping sprite 2, find path to sprite 3,

    on path found move along path.

    on arrive and car is overlapping sprite 3, find path to sprite 1,

    on path found move along path.

    which completes the loop and the AI just keeps driving around the track.

    Released V1.0 today

    Released Update V1.1 today also.