Cameron9990's Forum Posts

  • I'm having an issue trying to make a decent AI, I'm trying to use pathfinding which is neat, but for some reason every time they move through the path, they're for some reason able to... partially move through walls... like not completely, most I've seen is half their body. I've been trying everything, the walls are a tilemap that has collisions and the enemies themselves are set to be solid. Here's a screenshot of my code, I'd appreciate the help.


  • A variable and local storage at least required:

    So wait, I have to save each and every value individually, there is no way to just save the whole project?

  • Like a Mobile app, generally whenever you close the app, all of your data auto saves, how would I go about that?


  • I was speedrunning a game when I notices a category that required you to get all crystals in the game, I pointed out to the mod that we can't really tell what all of them would be because some are off screen and there could be an infinite number. However I do still want this to be a category. I know the game was made in construct so I'm really hoping there's a way to import the game into construct and just take a look at the maps real quick to find them all, is there a way to do that?


  • You are right, I never noticed that there are 3 kings of clubs. It's because the deck size is 52 cards, not 54.

    > also a bunch of 1 of cards is a lot different than some cards being played at 4, some being at 3, some being at 2, some at 1.

    Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by this.

    Well it's a trading card game. Like in Yu-Gi-Oh! you're not playing a set list of 1 of cards, you're playing a bunch of cards that are different from your opponent to build a deck, you can run upto 3 of any 1 card in your deck (given it's not on the ban list) but you're not always playing 3 of everything, you might only play 2 or 1 of some cards. It's different than making every card in the game be in the deck and being at 1.

  • Check out this demo, it's quite old but may give you some ideas:

    I still don't think this helps, like I'm sure he didn't intend on there being 3 king of clubs, there just is, also a bunch of 1 of cards is a lot different than some cards being played at 4, some being at 3, some being at 2, some at 1. Like the load of variety that there is.

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  • So you have one instance of the object Deck with many instance variables in it representing cards?

    Why not create many instances of Card object? It will be much easier to work with them, even if you don't need to display cards on the screen. You can add variables like isDrawn, isPlaying, cardValue and so on, pick cards, count them, filter, destroy etc.

    Well yeah, I have many cards too. I just don't know how to do the whole random drawing from a deck list. Like I don't think there is a way to add or remove from families in game so it's not like I could just do a random from the family named "Deck" then remove it from the family when it's variable for the number of copies I'm playing hits 0. (I'm also just a bit tired rn so I could be thinking about this all wrong)

  • So I'm trying to make a TCG and for this I need a deck, I didn't know exactly how to do it but I figured I'd do it by having the deck be an object that has a variable corresponding to every card in it, then whenever you draw subtract a random one and you draw that card... that probably isn't a good method, so an alternative way of doing this would also help.

  • ...well I tried recording a video, but for some reason my video I recorded didn't show it, it ran smooth in the video even though I can see it in game, but it's like the camera moves one pixel at a time instead of just being smooth movement... which is kinda awkward in a game that all the art is 8x8.

  • I'm making a top down game that all the sprites are 8x8... including the background. Anyways, whenever I'm moving diagonally it looks like the screen is jittering, I can only assume this is due to the low quality of the pixel art, but idk.


  • It literally just won't let me set any values, help.


  • You and your friends can do separate event sheets with different variables, functions...etc.

    The copy to the final merge project.

    But is that like... the only way to go about it? because that's pretty bad.

  • I want to make a game, but I thought it would be fun to make it with someone. Both Unity and Unreal have multi-user editors that you and someone else could work on the same project at the same time with, I was just wondering if Construct 3 could do something like that or if we'd have to work on the game one at a time?


  • No, you can't add objects to a family in runtime.

    You need to add all monsters to Monsters family, and define "isEnemy" variable on the family. This way you will be able to easily pick friendly or enemy monsters in the game.

    but like... doesn't that turn it on for the whole family... it still doesn't work if that's the case and I'd have to do it one at a time.

  • I'm making a turn based gacha game and there will be duplicate monsters, so I need a way of registering one as an enemy, I could do a boolean but that means I'll have to check every single monster in the entire game individually, I mean, I can do that, it would just save a lot of time if I could add and remove from family in my scripts.
