calminthenight's Forum Posts

  • Text objects don't have collisions so you can't use an overlap test.

    You can use a distance test instead. Something like:


    text is dragging and dropping

    distance(text.x,text.y,equationtext.x,equationtext.y) <50


    destroy text

    destroy equationtext

  • It must be something in your events that is causing it. Post your project file and someone can take a look

    You can set the sprite to mirrored if the orbit speed is less than 0.

    But I think that this is a bug as the intended behaviour is > sets the object's angle to match the direction of travel in the orbit.

    You should make a bug report

  • You could request the date from a server. It would require the user to be online though.

  • Having done this many times for tracks in different platforms in my opinion it is always better to bake in the song tail to the start of the looped track as Ashley says.

    If the tail is quite distinct (e.g. a delay) you can use two tracks, the initial clean track, followed by the looped track with the baked in tail at the start.

    Set the speed to a negative number

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  • It would be great if there was a trial mode option, that I could configure, for example, that the game could be accessed for 10 days

    You could create a version with a variable of the date on which you are going to export and deliver the test game.

    On your initial layout before the game loads, you could have a test that compares the current date with the date in the variable. If it is greater than 10 days have the browser object close the game.

    Not super advanced, and can be worked around but might do for your purpose.

  • Hard to tell without seeing the project but the red balls that are not moving might not be able to find a path, and you have no event to deal with that.

    Add in "on failed to find path" and then have it find path again. (although i see your notes on the right)

    You could also do a test for objects that have a path but aren't moving, if true set them to move.

    There could be many other reasons though.

    Also for event 17 you are better off using the timer behaviour. So: on created - start timer once off for 300secs

    new event: Red_ball on Timer destroy red_ball

  • Ooph those Draw Calls :) This is awesome

  • Hi guys,

    According to the post below the construct 3 storyboard splash feature should work correctly. You can access this by opening the icons folder and adding your preferred images for foreground, background and storyboard splash, and assigning them the correct role in the properties viewer.

    Hi everyone.

    The Splashscreen feature (Storyboard), now works well now in Construct 3, on the latest update.

    The Adaptive Icons (Foreground + Background) was working all this time, at first it looked broken to me since it somewhat didn't scale like Android Studio.

    To make it scale in Construct 3, you need to match the size of both Foreground and Background. And, most especially, include the transparent areas to avoid it stretching.

    It doesn't have Android Studio icon tools, but I think this is already enough for most apps, and adds simplicity.

  • Works perfectly, but the character starts to almost do a vibration motion.

    Instead of using the scrollto behaviour create an on every tick event and add:

    scroll to X - lerp(scrollx,player.x,0.5)

    scroll to Y - lerp(scrolly,player.y,0.5)

    This will give you a smooth scrolling camera. You can adjust the 0.5 figure between 0 & 1 to change the camera lag.

  • Use three different sprites for the player, the trunk and the foliage. Then you change the z order of the sprites so that the player is in front of the trunk but behind the foliage.

    Then you need to make the stump impassable by the player, depending on how your game is set up you could give both the player and it the solid behaviour.

  • Can you explain a bit more what you're actually trying to do?

    In your example your object name is "bar", so unless your comparison value resolves to be "bar" then it will not be picked.

    If you want to pick objects by name you could use a family. Place all your pickable objects in a family, pick the family object in the pick by comparison event and use family.ObjectTypeName expression. Then you can compare values that will resolve to the names of your objects.