CairoCreativeStudios's Forum Posts

  • I did, then I ran local preview and broke the game by moving before I touched down to the ground and the bar filled, you should disable input until that completes.


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  • I checked the CAPX and it's recent, try downloading the newer version if you don't mind

  • Nesteris, did you download the updated CAPX? Newgrounds API should be removed, Dynamic Lighting should be disabled and the bulge effect should be removed.

    I'm extending the platform behavior, but for the most part it's similar to Mega Man controls. What is included can be found in the original post now, if you don't mind reading all that.

  • Everade

    That's in the documentation as a Prefab, it's the only Unity term used. It's also appropriate as it's the for word for "Prefabrication".

    C3 Prefabs? If they added this, I would be incredibly excited!

    This discussion is amazing, it's hard to believe I haven't noticed it until just now.

    Has anyone mentioned adding in an online content browser to the IDE itself? Many engines now do that, and I feel like requesting an adjustment to the core website may be pointless. If we had a content browser where people could upload their custom made projects, prefabs (if they get added to the engine), art, plugins, behaviors, etc. Game designing would be much quicker than normal, and nobody would have to go searching for things within the forums. The could be organized and rated by the C3 users as well, allowing people to find the best of what they need on the fly, instead of going through Google to find it (which I often find myself doing now).

    I didn't read the whole forum, or much information about C3, so I'm unsure of whether or not this will be included, so I'm sorry if my post is incredibly naive.

  • Hey everyone! I've previously posted about the game in the Works In Progress section and wanted to come here to see if anyone would like to team up with me in designing it. Mainly, the only thing I need is some concept and map guys. I'll make the actual, solid maps, myself, but I just need someone that'd be willing to help me bring forward the concepts of the game, including gameplay, story, map design, etc.

    I'm also looking for some sound/music guys, if you're interested, but otherwise I plan to just use music and sounds that can be found at I am willing to work with just about anyone, but I don't really need any programming or coding.

    The game is going to be open source from the bottom up, and although it is original, it's really just contribution to the community of Scirra, to produce possibly more Mega Man fangames. If you do make a game seperate from my project using my source, please let me know that you did, I would really like to hear about it and play it. I'm excited to see what people might make with it.

    If you want to see the original, more detail post about the project, look here:

    This post contains the source, demo on, and the concepts already in place for the game (aside from the story, which I will include in later posts)

  • You shouldn't need to pay someone to do this. What you're asking for actually is pretty easy.

    First, to list all the rooms in a game, you just call the Request Room List action from the Multiplayer object, and then create a list object in your game, and add a for loop from 1 to Multiplayer.ListRoomCount, which calls the actions: List>Clear, List>Add Item>Multiplayer.ListRoomName(loopindex)

    Call this action once every say, 0.2 seconds to keep it updated.

    Then, add the condition List>On Double-Clicked with the action Multiplayer>Join Room>Room Name = List.SelectedText

    Then, within Host, you can send a message to the connecting peer that tells it what room in the game to go to, and what extra events should take place, etc.

    Then, if you want to transfer information from the Host to the Peer and make the Peer the host, first you have to make sure all the information on the peer's side of the game is the exact same as the host. If it is, then that you're starting point.

    First, make a variable (IE b_IsInRoom) which will act as a Boolean. 0 = false, 1 = true. When a player enters a room manually, this variable's value will be changed to 1, otherwise, if room is left or never joined, it's set to 0.

    Then there should be string variable (IE s_RoomName) which will be set to the name of a room when entered.

    After this is done, use the Multiplayer object's condition: Multiplayer>On Peer Left, and in the same event use System>Compare two values>If Multiplayer.PeerAlias = Multiplayer.HostAlias. This will determine if it's the host who has left. Then, in the same event add one more conidition: System>Compare Variable>b_IsInRoom = 1.

    Now, this should call the action, Multiplayer>Join Room, and set the room name as the variable containing the room name (IE s_RoomName).

    The first player to reconnect to the room will become the host automatically, and you're done.

    If you experience any issues doing this, feel free to PM me.

  • No problem, , I'm very excited to see the final product of your work!

  • Okay, Newgrouds plugin crap is removed, and I also outlined what I want to do with the game and how I'm going to do it. I hope that some people find it interesting now.

    Nesteris, please let me know what you think!

  • Not to mention that your .capx uses plugins that we don't have the links to download.

    O.O Gah! That's so embarrassing! How could I make such a stupid mistake?! I'll remove the plugin entirely, as it was only for the fun of including it in Newgrounds. XD If you look at the demo, it definitely does not need the plugin. Other than that, it doesn't need the plugin, and it also makes the game freeze at times if played locally, because it's poorly programmed, although useful.

  • The player sprite looks look a recolour of the original Mega Man sprites, is it just a placeholder or are you using it in the final game?

    The sprites and animations will be similar to Mega Man in the final product, but not identical, so yes, this is a filler. I should have explained that in the original post.

    It doesn't seem like many people are interested, so I may have to take this on as a solo project if nobody wants to team up on it.

  • Not really sure what I'm getting the "We're sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server." error, but I'll try again later. Thanks for letting me know about this. I will wait a day and see if I can access it then. I'll let you know what I think of the game when I get to it. Good luck, !

  • NOTICE! Due to some feedback on Newgrounds and here, I decided it might be best if I just use Mega Man sprites and tilesets. It's obviously not at all negative to production, aside from the fact that I already started with my own art with the tilesets and such. But I want the game to be authentic Mega Man style. It's still going to follow the concepts that I thought up, and include some well designed OC's. I just want to focus on actually making the entire engine before I go too deep in it's development as far as sprites and stuff go. The actual game matters more, that's the point after all.

    Hello all! It's bit a while since I've last posted any information, and I guess it's mostly because life has become a severe pain. So, I thought I'd bring to the table of the Scirra community a question regarding teaming up, and one of my works in progress. The particular WIP is a Mega Man inspired game, and is quite similar to the actual, original game. You're free to take a look at the source:

    [attachment=0:3cguud0t]Retro Boy WIP.capx[/attachment:3cguud0t]

    If you want to see it in action, you can do that here:

    Retro Boy character concept:

    [attachment=2:3cguud0t]Snapshot (2).png[/attachment:3cguud0t]

    [attachment=1:3cguud0t]Snapshot (3).png[/attachment:3cguud0t]

    So the original .capx that I'd uploaded didn't work correctly, this is now fixed.

    Retro Boy will be similarly if not identical at the base as the gameplay of the original Mega Man series. It's quite similar, but incomplete, hence the WIP state of it. Right now, I'm working on getting everything working the way I want them to, and within a day of work, I think that the state it's at right now is pretty good progress and motivates me to keep working on it, even though it's actually my side project. The player sprite is filler, as it's not unique to the game and possibly copyright protected. I plan on including sprites that resemble the Mega Man games, but not identical to them. The only thing I want identical is the fundamental gameplay, everything else, even conceptually, will be different.

    I have some plans for the conceptual make up of the game, but before I go about talking about that, allow me to list what it already includes:

    -hand made tilesets

    -basic platformer controls

    -wall grabbing


    -different rooms

    -not redundant, allowing for a quick process of making non-unique maps (as in maps with rain, or something else, which may include extra programming from the base of the event sheets "Global Map Events", "Player Controls", and "Scenic Events". Otherwise, you'd just make a map and include those sheets in that maps' event sheet.

    -Toggling for dynamic lighting (off by default)

    -Static lighting and shading, for complicated maps

    Things I plan to include soon:

    Things with single event sheets:

    -Weapons that can be changed on the fly

    -Weapon design, using a level panel like the Navi Customizer in Battle Network 3, which you can find here: ... 80x320.png

    Basically, it'd every weapon would be based off the Weapon Customizer, we'll call it, and the Suit Ability block (which will only be added once) will override the current suit Retro is wearing, kind of like the different armors in the different games.

    -Ranking, based of player's skill in the game.

    -Complicated, strategically placed enemies, that force you to maximize your platformer skills in order to beat a level, in memory of the classic Megaman enemies.

    -Bosses, each boss would have their own event sheet that controls their actions, and when the player access the area in which that boss controls, their will be variable to determine whether or not the boss had already spoke to the player, and if so, the dialogue is skippable the next time through (if you die or play through the level again, which you can do an unlimited amount of times to earn chips for your weapon customization), events for the dialogue, events for the battle and dialogue during the battle (if any), and then ending dialogue.

    For bosses, their will be an event sheet called "Common Boss Events" Which have functions that are called to determine what the boss says, so if you make a unique boss sheet you'll call a function (IE "BossDialogue") which will take the first passed property as the bosses' portrait, the second as the name, and the third as the dialogue to be displayed, which will go back to the "Dialogue Event Sheet". There will be a Character Family which only contain instance variables, which will include their name and other status's. This being the case, bosses will also be part of this family, and their name can be set this way inside of their unique event sheet, and called by using

    -Dialogue, a sheet the controls the display of Dialogue. In order for this to work, a GUI layout MUST be present in a map which will include all the elements of the dialogue section.

    Portraits in the dialogue will work by using the Portraits object, which will include all the portraits of the game in separate animations.

    Name information will be included within the Character family.

    -Characters, the Character Family will come with a "Common Character Events" sheet, which will cover a couple different things in terms of movement, alliance, etc. Unique characters will reference back to the "Common Character Events", if unique in a way that is not included within the "Common Boss Events" (Bosses aren't included here because of combat, they're too different), and then each character may contain their own unique event sheet. If they don't, they'll act according to the "Common Character Events". As I plan to add dialogue for all characters, there will be a Dialogue string, which will allow the character to say one thing and then end dialogue after.

    -Multiplayer, similar to an MMO. Rooms will be set per layout in the game, to control bandwidth needed to run the game. The game is playable online and offline, it will be completely seemless. All players in the same room can team up on enemies and receive seperate loot, but players will not be able to battle bosses together. They can also talk to eachother, drop items to share, etc. I have no plans of making multiplayer a big thing in the game, but it will be pretty nice. I will add an option in the settings that allows you to turn it off though. Multiplayer is great to have, but I don't want the goals for this game to be distracted by making multiplayer a basis of it's concept. I still want it to be like classic Mega Man, mixed with ZX's adventuring concept, where you have to walk from place to place, not make it a ******** MMO.

    So, that's about it as far as concept goes. I outlined the way I plan on setting the game up somewhat, but I have even more to do in order to get it to work the way I want, obviously. I just listed the things I wanted to include as a basis of it's actual gameplay, not things that are standard to a game.

    I haven't really planned much after this, but the game will be open source to the very end, so if you want to keep with the updates, you have the freedom. It's pretty fun to make honestly, and easy too, so it won't take much of my time. The funnest part is going to be making a real adventure/story with it. Plus, it's like Mega Man. XD

    If anyone would like to team up (especially anyone wanting to make some custom Mega Man sprites) just PM me here or email me at

    Also contact me if you'd like to learn more of the concept of the game.

  • Whoah-ho! Impressive! This game has potential, dude, good job!

  • C3 may not offer a 3D Engine by default, but the ability to make 3D games will be made possible not far from it's release because of the fan base who use it. Are you sure though, that it is completely unsupported? That'd be a major let down.

  • > I believe the link for the plugin download is down, it's not working for me.


    yes, it is down. If you still need it - i can make today new link, on dropbox

    That would be awesome I'm wanting to try it out with my current project.