C-7's Forum Posts

  • Courier is now public! I believe I've reached a point where the game is ready to be played by others. It is by no means a complete product--it will be polished and added onto continuously--but it is far enough along to let others in on the experience. As with any beta, be sure to let me know if you catch something that I missed! Above all else, though, enjoy!

    <font size="5">Play Courier Now!</font>

  • This can be done with a single variable. I have a variable that I call "From" and I set its value during the transfer layout event. I have an invisible object at each exit and when you touch it, it sets the From variable, starts a fade out, then transfers you. On the start of the next layout, I have it set the player's position to different places depending on what the value is for From. I then have the map fade in.

    For instance, when going from layout 3 to layout 1:

    On overlap of transfer, set From to "Layout3" (you can also use the system expression for the current layout name)

    Go to Layout 1.

    On layout 1's start of layout,

    --> (As a subevent) If From = Layout3, set position to 340, 750

    Then just have a sub event for each possible From value on each layout's event sheet. In the case of there being multiple paths between two layouts, I just name From to Layout2a and Layout2b and vice-versa.

  • I also agree about arrays as tables. I also hope there is a way, in the future, to make it not decrease performance so heavily.

  • onion

    I apologize in advance if the image is huge. I store the state of someone's data online once you save, but everything else is handled locally. I have a dedicated slot in my array for each quest. I also have a private variable for each npc if I want them to rotate through a few sayings. In this example, I'm showing how the status of the quest that pertains to this NPC changes what they say or what actions happen.

    <img src="http://www.adamprack.com/materials/teachevent.jpg" border="0" />

    My array, called Inv is what we're looking at. At 0,7 is the quest for this person. For all of my regular quests, 0 means it is available, 1 means it is currently in-progress, 2 means it is complete.

    I also have a check if the NPC is within range (it sets them to "Active = 1" if they are). I have an invisible rectangle with an id variable that references each npc, then I set the visuals for them to that position. I also check the "Speech" layer opacity so it won't let you open up another conversation if one is currently open. In the first event, if 0,7 is 2, then it shows a message if you've completed the quest. I have subevents that test if a certain story element is running or not, too. The second event runs if the quest is open and starts the dialogue for if you want to accept the quest.

    Just so you can follow it all, if Speechon = 1, it fades in my speech layer. There is a triangle "Play" button that progresses. There is a variable on there called "more". If it is 0 and you hit the play button is sets Speechon to 0 and fades it back out. If more = 1, it doesn't.

    I know there's a lot there, but you only have to write that once and then copy-paste and switch numbers/text for the rest of the NPCs. I'm sure someone may have some more elegant solution, likely using functions, but I really like being able to follow as much as possible right there.

    But I hope that example helps!

  • I've visited your homepage to play the game, but when I press the play button it just says "checking for updates" endlessly. I've no idea if it is still checking, but it's been going for quite a long time now. If it is loading, it might be worth having a progress bar to show that it's actually doing something.

    It checking for updates has cause a lot of problems, so, for now, I just removed it. Now, it just loads into the game. At some point I'll just add an in-game notification that an update is ready so the user knows their next play session will be updated.

  • Thanks theubie, and sorry for the late reply but I'm going to take you up on your offer of advice! You say you're working on an MMO that uses a C2 frontend, and php/mySQL backedn, well that's what I'm working towards too. But right now I'm trying to figure out how to create RPG quests.

    Like a typical sort of RPG my game allows a player to talk to NPCs and get quests, some of which have sub-tasks. How do you keep track of which quests you have, and which NPCs you've already talked to?

    I use an array and then I have a google docs spreadsheet for my own reference. Everything in the 0 column pertains to the status of a certain quest. Everything in the 1 column pertains to each NPC, for instance, and whether you have talked to them or not. For my quests I set at 0,2 to 0 if the quest is open, 1 if you are currently in it, and 2 if it is completed (and so on for all of them). You can do something similar for NPCs. I also use different array cells for inventory management, though my inventory is simpler than in many RPGs. You can then output the whole array AsJSON and upload it wherever or however you want (I store it on clay.io and then retrieve it for loading).

  • I pledged. I enjoy the quality of your assets and work thus far and your reasoning/inspiration behind it has to hit home for some people. Keep it up and I hope you exceed your goals!

  • I'm looking for most testers if anyone wants to give the game a go! It's very near ready to go live, but I want to make sure it works well for others and there isn't anything glaringly wrong that I've missed. Reply or PM me and I'll give you the password. The game can be found at:


    And here's a little bit of artwork to keep things lively:

    <img src="http://www.couriergame.com/forestmed.jpg" border="0">

  • I stayed quiet and kept my head down for a little while during bug-squashing and content-producing fests, but the game is back live again for people in the Closed Beta, and much larger than it was previously.


    Here's the list of changes for anyone curious:

    -New dungeon

    -New story segments

    -New deliveries

    -Tooltips in the menu

    -Tons more menu options including the ability to take a screenshot and share it via Twitter or Facebook

    -Share the game on Twitter or Facebook, receive in-game money (you may wish to wait until it's public)

    -Status messages in-game that let you know more information on what is going on.

    -Adaptive music throughout (going inside/outside/out of town in the forest)

    -More sound effects, though more are needed still

    -Improved saving system

    -In-App purchases work

    -Added support options beside the game on the web page for things such as NPCs made in-game to resemble you.

    As soon as this round of testing goes through and I'm able to correct enough of the problems presented, the game will go live for all to enjoy! At launch, I'll have a twitter contest where I'll be giving away $25 to two people. I'll fill you in on more when it goes public!

  • Not that I'm aware of, but I do it in a very simple way. When you click on the exit button, before transferring to another map, set a global variable to the layout name. Ie system.layoutname (or something similar... not near c2 right now). Then, when you hit return, go to layout by name and just put in your variable that you made.

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  • You may also consider using the 9-patch object for your needs. Go check it out in the manual--it may help you quite a bit,

  • Oh, haha! I paid fantastic attention to myself, apparently.

  • C-7 - that was a spammer you replied to. I deleted the post.

    Yeah, I saw he had a spammy link, but what he said WAS true. The checkpoints do reset the boards to make sure no one ever gets screwed by a lag spike. But thanks for cleaning it up!

  • Yep, I added the checkpoint reset just for that very reason. I can do whole runs and they never mess up, but occasionally they mess up, so the checkpoints intentionally reset the boards.

  • That's better than what I have and I can run C2 just fine. I have a Pentium D 3.2 GHz, 4 gigs of ram, radeon HD 5850.