C-7's Forum Posts

  • I just finished implementing the dodge/hop mechanic in the game. You can hold down your right mouse button to aim which way you'll do a quick, short hope then release the mouse button to do it. In the towns and overworld, this is used for hopping across small gaps--nothing big, this isn't a platformer. In adventurous areas and dungeons, it is used for that as well as dodging obstacles and hazards. It's pretty fun! I hope to show it soon.

  • Yes, plenty of us have. I haven't made a lot, but definitely some.

  • Working on the port town for Courier

    <img src="http://www.couriergame.com/screens/port01.jpg" border="0" />

    <img src="http://www.couriergame.com/screens/port02.jpg" border="0" />

  • I see you're there, you'll have to wait until I get another chance to troubleshoot for yu.

  • There have been some quite substantial changes to Courier, and, as a result, I've had some forum silence on it while I got things reworked to my liking. Firstly, Courier will no longer be free-to-play or in a browser. This is the #1 request everywhere and comes, as I see it, a result of a game industry that has abused the f2p model. People don't trust f2p games unless they're from an established studio and I lack the marketing budget to overcome that hurdle. It is now a standalone, one-time purchase game targeting digital distribution.

    Things that change:

    • It will not be a constantly-updating game in your browser, but a completed package later on.
    • Warp points and extra storage will be in-game unlockables instead of inexpensive optional add-ons.
    • I can develop the game non-linearly now, so things won't be showing up in story-order any more!
    • Since I'm shooting for standalone, I've decided to up the game to 1280x720 as the standard, improve the lighting and details, and give things a few more effects to give it that extra touch.

    <img src="http://www.couriergame.com/screens/port01.jpg" border="0" />

    The game won't be IAP-based any longer, so I plan on launching a Kickstarter in a few months once it is further along to help secure this longer haul before release. The game is progressing nicely, and I really don't think I'll miss my personal goals, but it will be that much better if I can offload some hours from the day job to hours at the night job.

    I've more recently made some nice developments on my own to interactive music in C2 (it interacted before, but only in some limited ways), so I am fully implementing that to the soundtrack. This allows the music to avoid repetitive loops AND change based on player interaction.

    <img src="http://www.couriergame.com/screens/port02.jpg" border="0" />

    And, in response to people not sure about playing as a mail person, I ask for just a touch of trust--you'll quite enjoy it. Combat isn't the only way to make a neat RPG.

  • The text part is up to you! I just change the text in my events. You can also store it externally and load it via json, load it in an array (though you'd still need to do it via events or load a big array via json), or any number of ways to do it. That part's up to you :-P

  • Use the text or spritefont objects and, in your events, use the "set text" action to change the text. So use a single tet object and just change the text in it each time. Just be sure the text or spritefont box is big enough to fit your text.

  • C-7, RandomFellow

    Thank you very much for the replies ^^ i appreciate it. Hmm, so I'm guessing that i need a list of events according to the cutscene that I need? as in...a lot XD. you know like for RPG's and starting tutorials and all that. So I can go switch from one object to the next with the camera Sprite? ^^

    BTW, i really never understood what that lerp was doing exactly?

    Haha RandomFellow my bad!

    Right, cutscenes take a lot of planning. I use a variable for a timeline--when something completes, add 1 to that variable which triggers the next actions, etc.

    Lerp is a different way to move from point a to point b, basically. It linearly interpolates (lerp) between points, what you'll see is something that starts out quickly towards a value or position and decelerates as it approaches its destination. This is a simple way of easing something into a position instead of an abrupt stop.

  • Completely.

    The easiest way is make a small square (like 4x4) and make it invisible. Call it "camera" or whatever you want. Then add the "Scroll To" behavior to it and nothing else. Have a variable (cutscene, for instance) and use that to decide if it follows the player or not. If cutscene = 0, every tick set camera.x to player.x and camera.y to player.y. You can fancy this up with lerp, but same concept.

    Then, when you're trying to do a cutscene, set cutscene = 1. It will no longer auto-follow the player and you can use events to move the invisible camera object to various places. Move it over time to make smoother movements, particularly using equations like lerp (see manual).

  • There is an event-counter at the bottom of the C2 window. Add and delete stuff to see how that number changes.

  • Did you upload the ogg audio file, too? If so, your server may not have its mime types correct. At some point it may be useful to share your capx so someone else or I can try the game out on our own server to troubleshoot further.

  • Tekniko


    Why is that?

    It was of my efforts not paramount.

    It's Warner Bros and not paramount, but you are using their ip without consent (infringement). If you don't get a license from the ip holder, you stand liable to them. It doesn't matter if it is your efforts or not, you don't own the rights to the Harry Potter franchise.

    Also, you should reimport your audio as a wave then upload both versions it converts to inside construct (ogg and acc). Not all browsers and platforms use the same format, so using both ensures it can work everywhere.

  • I just pull from the project's object list. All the objects are on a layout somewhere in the project (I have a dummy layout for mass-importing of a lot of stuff). I can't think of a reason to have so many objects scattered about your margins.

  • Tiled background did have an offset feature with Construct Classic, but Ashley said canvas makes it nearly impossible. I second the idea of just spawning objects off-screen periodically and have those scroll/move.

    Ie, every x seconds, create object at windowwidth.x+200, 400

    And so on.

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  • You can make a turn-based RPG, but you need to event it yourself (it isn't some pre-made system). It really isn't terrible to make, but you do need to be familiar with C2's event system.

    It depends on what sales are going on at the time for upgrade costs. Scirra's pricing is listed clearly on the buy page.

    The start of the wii u exporter is available now and the rest of the exporter will be rolling out very soon, but you must be a certified Nintendo developer to have access.