<img src="http://imageshack.us/a/img4/8123/sinttulo1pzd.jpg" border="0">
<font color="blue"><font size="4">Hi everyone!!</font></font>
Recent i stared a new blog with info, tutorials and another things about C2 named Skido Games... It's really new so the content in the blog no are much for the moment.....
I need to see if here is people interesed in learn C2 in spanish, because if much people are interesed, motivate me to keep creating content for this blog <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle"> <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle"> !!
If you like the idea, please give "like" to the facebook page "Skido Games" ...
<font color="blue"><font size="4">Hola a todos!!</font></font>
Recientemente empez� un blog llamado Skido Games donde pondr� tutoriales, informaci�n y otras cosas m�s acerca de C2.....
Me gustar�a ver si aqu� hay personas a las que les gustar�a aprender cosas sobre C2 porque si las hubiera me motivar�an a seguir creando contenido para el blog...
Si les gusta la idea pueden darle "like" a mi pag de Facebook "Skido Games"