byzxz's Forum Posts

  • Thanks!

  • Hi everybody.

    I'm making some simple games with the free version only for fun, but I have a question:

    Is possible to make and publish FREE games to Play Store with the free version?

    Or, only with the others licenses?

    I have 3 games in Play Store maded with other engines, but I love C2 and I no have money in this days to buy a license


  • Thanks!

    Yesterday i updated the game and add sound and bug many fixes in this version, but in the free version i can't do anything more xD

    So the next week i going to buy the personal edition... I LOVE CONSTURCT 2 :D

  • Thanks! :)

    The thing that make the graphics good no are the detailed images... The colors and contrast make the graphics good ;) at the least for me.

    And one thing more, i make all "graphics" in Construct 2...

  • <font size="4">Hi everybody!!</font>

    I'm a boy who make games with the free versi�n of C2...

    In these days i work in make some games called "Blue Vs Red". Those games are multiplayer offline (when i buy the personal edition, i going to do singleplayer and multiplayer online..) in where you are a square blue/red that need to fight with your legendary enemy red/blue in diferents scenaries... Each scenary are diferent game, today i invite you to play the frist game of this saga and to visit my blog ==> Skido Games

    Game ==> "Blue Vs Red - The Frist Battle"

    Please rate it and make suggestions for the next games ;)


  • <font size="4">Hi everybody!!</font>

    I'm a boy who make games with the free versi�n of C2...

    In these days i work in make some games called "Blue Vs Red". Those games are multiplayer offline (when i buy the personal edition, i going to do singleplayer and multiplayer online..) in where you are a square blue/red that need to fight with your legendary enemy red/blue in diferents scenaries... Each scenary are diferent game, today i invite you to play the frist game of this saga and to visit my blog ==> Skido Games

    Game ==> "Blue Vs Red - The Frist Battle"

    Please rate it and make suggestions for the next games ;)


  • Yeah jhonny...

    The non/solid everyone says "it?s great"...

    I invite you to play my other game "Blue Vs Red - The Frist Battle" in where you are a litle square (Blue or Red) that need to still alive more than your oponent...

    It's multiplayer offline, you and your oponent play in the same keyboard...

    Sometimes my english sucks, so excuse me <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Hi everyone!

    I made a mini-game with 5 level where you are a monster that need to eat balls of energy...

    I invite you to visit my blog, play the first level and rate it ;)

    Here is the link to the game ==> Eat, Monster, Eat!

    Thanks! And good day (or night) ;)

    If you want the tutorial and the project, contact with me...

  • <font size="5">Hi everybody!!</font>

    I want to ask you if you want tutorials in english & spanish. I start record the "Beginner's Guide to Construct 2" in spanish and do subs in english... But, what topics to want me to make tutorials??

    I really want to contribute in this comunity, so please say in the comment what tutorials you want <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    <font size="2">And visit my new blog with tutos in spanish Skido Games</font>

  • GeneratorX yeah i recent do 2 frames more and add more mouth movement! <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Thanks piszozo!!

    I do other pixel art and if i don't forget i post a reply with that <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • RookieDev thanks <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> !!

    I do that in 3h <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • Yes i need to make 2 frames more!!

    Thanks for the comment...

    I love the pixel art :D

  • <font size="5">Hi everyone!! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle"> <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle"></font>

    <font size="4">I'm new to pixel art (start yesterday) and I want to see if you like my frist pixel art:

    <center><img src="" border="0"></center>

    So please comment!! Every commmet will be apreciated <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    <font size="2">PD1: is from my principal proyect... Made with gimp <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle"></font>

    <font size="2">PD2: Visit my new blog with some tutos of C2 in spanish Skido Games ...</font></font>

  • <img src="" border="0">

    <font color="blue"><font size="4">Hi everyone!!</font></font>

    Recent i stared a new blog with info, tutorials and another things about C2 named Skido Games... It's really new so the content in the blog no are much for the moment.....

    I need to see if here is people interesed in learn C2 in spanish, because if much people are interesed, motivate me to keep creating content for this blog <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle"> <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle"> !!

    If you like the idea, please give "like" to the facebook page "Skido Games" ...


    <font color="blue"><font size="4">Hola a todos!!</font></font>

    Recientemente empez� un blog llamado Skido Games donde pondr� tutoriales, informaci�n y otras cosas m�s acerca de C2.....

    Me gustar�a ver si aqu� hay personas a las que les gustar�a aprender cosas sobre C2 porque si las hubiera me motivar�an a seguir creando contenido para el blog...

    Si les gusta la idea pueden darle "like" a mi pag de Facebook "Skido Games"
