byondisoft's Forum Posts

  • Magistross: Excellent job!

    : I suggest having a combobox property to have some gradient fills in the background.

    Also two color gradients would be nice option to have.

    Have you considered different border styles for the window?

    Maybe it's a bit too much for start.

  • Hello!

    I've been trying to make a very small example work by using

    GET parameters with this web service for testing purposes: ... ature.html

    I have a small example that uses Ajax to make a request to that URL passing its "temp" and "scale"

    parameters but nothing is being returned. Progress code is always 0.

    I have setup a small project here to test. Note that the text "Resultado" should be changed to

    AJAX.LastData using the On Completed condition.

    Am I doing something wrong?

    Thank you.

  • Well, Fallout complexities may lie in the character development.

    Story and dialogues have some deep hierarchy and are based on a character's traits.

    As mentioned, you need to keep track of a lot of variables because every player decision

    will affect the story. Unless you're going for a more linear gameplay.

    The turn based battle engine and the loot system are defying areas the will make your

    game succeed or not.

    I'd love to play your game if it's ever done.

    Fallout 1 and 2 are ageless classics for me.

    Good luck.

  • For some reason I get a idea that you're basically redesigning Construct 2 in Node Webkit... I'm unsure as to why I believe this, but based on things you've said I've just kind of begun to think that (or else I may have read it)

    Stay away from those Ouija boards!!111 /jk

  • I can only see a black screen when trying to play online on Chrome. :-/

  • I agree with and some others.

    There's nothing you can do to prevent your assets to be stolen.

    I'm also not sure how one would create an EULA with online games (where to display).

    And don't bother clones because they happen like a plague.

    Play has literally thousands of the same re-skinned game over and over again it's overwhelming.

    But from my experience as a player, not every clone can copy the same game play elements and flow.

  • matriax, I was available but work and study got in the way.

    If I started to code now I'd take a long time to finish the plugin.

    I think it's a great idea though

  • From what I can see in your GIFs, the gameplay is really shining.

    I'm definitely interested in this engine when it gets released.

    Excellent job, BTW.

  • Hello, everyone.

    My name is Andre and I'm database developer/administrator/analyst.

    I love developing software in Java and C++.

    I sing, play guitar and compose music in my free time.

    I intend to create games and hopefully make plugins to help the community.


  • Hmm... it's weird.

    It seems you're not able to make a plugin based on the Tilemap plugin

    since there are almost no modifications except the two new properties.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • janlindso, that's always great advice and that's how I manage things too.

    Keep up the good work.

  • That's brilliant. Exactly what I was looking for.

    Thank you so much!

  • Amazing.

    I can see a lot of cool possibilities combining the features

    presented in the demo game with some lighting/flashlight effects.

    Map generation works flawless here.

  • QuaziGNRLnose, this is so amazing.

    It was totally instabuy for me after playing around with the demos.

    Thank you for such an amazing and unique plugin.

  • I'm almost inclined to believe this was a joke post since the OP is an active forum visitor.

    But I've been wrong before. :-/