Buggi's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • Ok, I have no idea if this is a good solution but it works for now

    I added a instant var "res_collectable" to check the state

    Thank you!

  • Hi,

    first of all here is what I try to solve:

    • "build_res_th" is a building which generates a resource like gold or something
    • it has an instance var "res_count" which counts up every second
    • when it reaches 3 or more, then there should spawn a button "btn_ok" at "build_res_th" to collect the gold.

    Here it works only for the first instance:

    Further instances of "build_res_th" spawn a "btn_ok" very tick and not only once. Why this is not working?

    Or do you have another idea to solve this?

    Thanks for your help!


  • I'm not sure, but I think this is because exported projects are html and java script files. So you need an app container like a browser to run it on android devices and Intel XDK includes this container to the APK file.

  • Ok, good to know. I've never worked with arrays before but I give it a shot.

    Thank you!

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    • Set the origin point of the paddles to the z rotation axis
    • Add a "keyboard" element
    • Bind a key to the angle of the paddle

    For example:

  • Hi,

    I'm working on a strategy game and I try to construct the build-menu.

    Here is the situation:

    When you open the menu there should be a check, if you have enough money (global var "money"). "btn_build_res_th" and "btn_build_res_default" are buttons to build buildings. Both are in a family called "menu_cards".

    When you call the function "check_money" it should check for each element in the family "menu_cards" if its local var "cost" is less the global var "money". If true it should set the boolean var "active" for each element in "menu_cards".

    But unfortunally it does not work and "active" is not set.

    Why it doesn't set the boolean at event 7 for "btn_build_res_th" and "btn_build_res_default" which are in the family "menu_cards"?

    I got a similar problem at another point, where I can't use families in a function.

  • Thank you, that helped me a lot.

    I want that you first need to click once the building before you kann move it, to prevent accidently move a building while scrolling over the map.

    I solved it with a group in this way:

  • Hello,

    I'm working a while on this (simple?) problem, but I can't find a solution. I'm working on a strategy game and when you click a building it turns in the "move mode". Ok great, but I can't figure out how to deselect an instance when I click another Instance from the same object. There should be only one instance in move mode like radio buttons.

    Here is what I've done:


    2/3: "mode_move" on/off state

    4: Button to create a new building and turn on the "mode_move"

    5: Clicking anywhere "mode_move" turns off and set the new building position

    6: Clicking anywhere "mode_move" turns off and set the previous building position when overlapping another building

    7: Clicking a building turns "mode_move" off for all instances and turns "mode_move" on for the clicked object

    I think event 7 does not work, so you can click multible buildings.

  • 8 posts