Budgie's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • When adding an image to a sprite/tile I am sometimes quite lazy and just copy-paste the image directly into the editor. Would it be possible to have a 'maintain aspect ratio' tick box or similar to save me doing the maths after deciding how long one of the sides should be when resizing?


  • I've sometimes found that the Layer ScaleRate and Parallax settings can determine whether an object appears in the 'wrong' place, even if no zooming or scrolling has taken place in the game. Might be worth a look....?

  • martinx09

    Blast it! I reverted my version and re-saved it as r139 so it should work for you now. Give it and let me know if you get stuck.


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  • martinx09,

    There are probably loads of different ways to achieve this effect - here is just one possible solution.


    You could probably automate the creation of alternative shading effects on layout start if you wanted - but, unless your game is massive, this should probably suffice...


  • I haven't played the megaman game so I am guessing what effect you are trying to achieve. I suspect you want to modify the platform behaviour so that your gravity value is different depending on the height of the MM sprite - is this correct?

    If not, then I've misunderstood and you are probably best just giving the MM sprite a gravity value and letting the platform plugin do its work for you.

    If you do want to vary the gravity according to sprite height above the solid then you need to do something like this:

    mm Set Platform Vector Y to: 50 + TiledBackground.Y - mm.Y

    C2 platform behaviour doesn't seem to like small and changing values of gravity (hence the 50 minimum value in the above example). I tried to insert an image of the event and failed!

    Hope this helps....

  • Ashley,

    I can reproduce the same problem when exporting to Node_Webkit... Custom webfonts fail to load if WebGL is enabled but everything works quickly and correctly if it is disabled. Is this, as I suspect, part of the same bug or is it something different?


  • Joannesalfa, I just tried one of my games on ios using the App Lab over wifi. The results were better than for android (as in the game sort of ran and no black screen) but there were problems with the placement and font size of some of the text objects.

    It's hard to say what would cause these errors, so I don't know how to go about trying to bug fix. I guess I'm kind of stuck waiting until a viable means of publishing on ios is found (my current hope is that the forthcoming new release of the cocoonjs wrapper might work better than the current one on ios).



  • I had the same problem a while ago. The solution for me:

    Create a Public folder in your Dropbox folder and then place your zip file in it (or repeatedly export it there from C2 for easier debug). The URL you need for the cocoonjs launcher can then be found by right clicking on the zip and copying the public link. Of course, all of that has to be done in Windows, so the hardest part is then typing the URL for the link into cocoonjs using your android keyboard...


    Hope this helps!

  • I tried the XDK with a couple of my games and even just a simple one-layout project with just a text box. All of them worked correctly on the emulator, but I only got a black screen when testing on android.

    Seems like something is broken in the way it renders on android even though the emulator looks fine. I've asked a couple of questions on the HTML5 forum and am awaiting feedback to this potential bug. If they can get it to work I think that it looks very promising indeed....


  • I was struggling with making this file sharing your game thing work as well. The problem, I found (for me, at least - black screens only) was that I hadn't followed the Dropbox tutorial exactly as described. I thought, because I had selected enable public sharing on the folder and files in Dropbox that that would be enough. It turns out that you still need to formally set up a Public folder - click on the link in the tutorial (duplicated below) to enable full access to the index file. I hope this helps...


  • Fidasx,

    That tutorial doesn't work for me - when copy-paste-ing the link for the file as described I get a 404 error. Directly linking to the index file just results in the javascript being displayed for viewing....

    Any ideas on how to set up a link to a demo of a game on Google Drive or even how to embed C2 output inside a Google Sites page?

    Thanks in advance!


  • 11 posts