bucktoothfrog's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • I already posted this in the wrong section, so I am reposting it here. Any help is appreciated.

    Problem Description

    I have been having problems previewing my game. I've tried in Chrome and Internet Explorer and on 2 computers in my house. Whenever I preview my game I get a blank black screen. I am guessing that it is something with my routers settings, although it only started happening about a few hours ago. Has anyone else had a similar problem before?

  • bucktoothfrog

    Considering this has only just started happening, are you then suggesting it is a bug in the actual C2 software? If so, you should follow the bug reporting guidelines or no-one will be able to help, and Ashley will close your post automatically.

    If you are just asking for help, then you should really post in the 'How Do I' section, and then everyone can try to help.

    Sorry for posting in the wrong section. I wasn't sure which one to put it in. I'll change it, thanks.

  • Problem Description

    I have been having problems previewing my game in all browsers and on 2 computers in my house. I am guessing that it is something with my routers settings, although it only started happening about a few hours ago. Has anyone else had a similar problem before?

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Release 206

  • Hello. I export my app as html and put it in Dropbox and when I view it on a mobile device I get black bars on the top and bottom of my screen. I read some tutorials on how to support multiple screen sizes, but none of them remove the bars. Is there a setting I need to change? When I change the "Fullscreen in Browser" from "Letterbox Scale" to "Scale Outer" the bars are gone but the objects are large and off-center. Does anyone know of a tutorial that might help?

    It would be useful if I could just do something like "Set canvas size to Device.Width x Device.Height" Is there anything like this?

    Thanks for the help!

  • Hello Construct community. I am working on a project but I am having trouble with a certain part. I have an array of 2 GPS coordinates(lat and long) and a distance(Delta Distance) in each row. I want to check if I am within the two coordinates plus or minus the delta distance. Sounds simple right? Well I am using a plugin to get array values as an index instead of 1,2,1 for example. And I cannot understand how to get this to work.

    What I am trying to do, currently, is every 1 second go through each row and check if you are within the 2 coordinates(+- Delta Distance) and then give the ID if it's true. That's what I want it to do, but i don't know if it is the most efficient way to go through lots of data. When I run it instead of saying "Welcome to the box" it comes up with "0". Does anyone know how to go through lots of data AND check if you are within the coordinates AND return a "true" value?

    If you need more information or want to see what I have done already, pm me and I'll send you some more screenshots.



    Pics: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/211691600/Code1.PNG and https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/211691600/Code2.PNG

  • Ok I'll send it to you. But, let's say that I didn't have the editor. How would I write and import the file into C2? Thanks for all the help, I really appreciate it!

  • I see. But how do I import my already written JSON file from "C2 Data Editor" into a readable format for your plugin?

  • bucktoothfrog - I just added this plugin. It will probably work for what your looking for. It supports loading raw JSON directly into it and accessing the data via named indexes.

    I can't seem to understand how to add an index to a column name. Can you please give an example?

  • This looks awesome! It should help me a lot. Thanks so much for posting this!

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  • I bought the C2 Data Editor and it works great! My only issue is I need a simple "tag" to access my array column names. For example, If{Array.At(Lat) & Array.At(Long) = 20}.

    Basically I want to access the array values with a word, not Array.At(3,0,1), for example. Is there any way I can do this? Thanks for all the help!

  • Do you know if construct 2 uses a specific format in json? Can i use any syntax with json and still make it work? Also, how do i access a label in the events page? I want to have a column named lat and access it by lat[0] or something like that. Thanks for the help!

  • Hello, I am stumped on this part and I need some help. I want an array of data (lat, long, distance, name) that can be read as a JSON file. I need help making the file and it needs to be very organized as I plan to have lots of data. It would be very helpful if I could make it look like this example:

    "Data":[ {"Lat":"1", "Long":"11"}, {"Lat":"2", "Long":"12"}, {"Lat":"3", "Long":"13"} ]

    But then I don't understand how to get Construct to read the sections(e.g. Data[0].Lat) by name.

    Is this the wrong approach? How would you make an organized JSON file like the example that can be read by construct?

    I'm completely lost so thanks for any help!

    ~ Bucktoothfrog

  • 12 posts