brunopalermo's Forum Posts

  • You could also add all objects to a family and check for the cursor not being over the family instead of a specific object.

  • Never exported using node webkit, but I believe it should work fine,

    Fiammaoscura I like the idea of writing a tutorial about this. I'll work on that.

  • Check that the cursor is not over the sprBldBoxDBL object on the bckTileGrass click event...

    On Left button Clicked on bckTileGrass

    X Cursor is over sprBldBoxDBL

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  • awmace5, you have to space the characters evenly. Get the biggest character, put it inside a square and space them all in similar squares, with one character per square.

  • I understand key mapping well Burvey, but he didn't ask about that. lol

    As I said before, I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to achieve and I have no idea how your capx goes, but for what I have read here, it'd appear that corlenbelspar 's approach would work fine for you,

  • Hi Fiammaoscura,

    Sorry for the delay... New years and stuff.

    You just have to add a line in the JSON array to add a character. I made an example with 3 characters.

    Also, I corrected an issue with the loop that creates the Webstorage objects, which was just creating 2, not as many as necessary. It does now.

    Lastly, I added a Webstorage object to save the money. It is created the first time the player runs the game and is set to the value stored in STARTING_MONEY. And I added a text element to show us the amount of money the player has...

    Here it is:


  • Here's an example:


    I edited a lot of stuff. Joined both buttons as different frames of the same button, added an array with information about the characters and the position of buttons, so you can add others, etc.

    Let me know if that was what you were trying to achieve.

  • Yep. Sprite fonts are a sheet of characters and you tell Construct 2 what are the characters and the size of them.

    Like this one:

  • Not sure what you're trying to do exactly, but it seems a simple OR block would solve your problem:

    If Key A is Pressed


    If Key X is Pressed > Do whatever you want it to do.


    If this Are is touched

  • The speed boost should just increase speed, controls should work the same. Can't see the problem you're having without a .capx.

  • Naji That's exactly the problem. The idea is to keep bought characters available between two sessions.

    Fiammaoscura Could not open the file. Save it as a single file (.capx) and send it again.

  • Could be an array loaded from a JSON string at the start of the game...

  • You must have the bought characters stored anywhere. It could be a server or a local Webstorage object, I don't know the requirements of your game so I can't tell which one you should choose. And, then, you must check them when you load the game.

  • You might use the Gamepad ID to pick the correct player.UID.

    For instance, if your player objects UIDs are 4 and 5, controlled by Gamepads 0 and 1, you could just pass the Gamepad ID whenever any button is pressed to the function and pick the instance Gamepad ID + 4 (4 for Gamepad 0 and 5 for Gamepad 1).

    Can't check it now, cause I have only one gamepad at work, but I believe it should work...

  • You're welcome.