brunopalermo's Forum Posts

  • Hey Yanen!

    1) It seems you're trying to work with rooms created by yourself, instead of using Construct's own room structure. Is there a reason for doing that? Construct Multiplayer object can already create rooms and sort the messages on those rooms to people who are connected to them. Instead of using a constant for ROOM_NAME you should have a variable or an array with all rooms you want to exist. When players connect you shoul let them pick a room, or assign them one according to your needs. I'm not sure how you want it to work.

    2) I'm not sure I get what you want here, but it seems you are trying to achieve something like the IRC interactions, like, for instance, to click on a player's name on the list and execute a command to that player is that it? In this case you'd have to implement all commands for the host and give peers actions that sends the host requests for those commands on the selected player.

    3) Depends. If we're talking about basic chat functionality, no. If you want to give the players other "abilities", like a shared whiteboard, for instance, which would be very useful for a RPG chatroom, yes.

    Hope that helped. Good luck with your project. I'd really love to see it working when you're finished.


  • Glad to help!

  • Hey ismailsawan!

    This .capx shows two ways of moving objects: Bullet and Sine behavior. There are many more. ... .capx?dl=0

    Hope it helps! Cheers!

  • Glad to help!

  • Hey timcs!

    Something like this? ... .capx?dl=0

    Here's the step-by-step:

    1. Put your bg in a layer.

    2. Create another layer over it (mask layer) and set the following layer attributes:

    Transparent: No

    Force own texture: Yes

    3. Create the "eye" sprite (it may have any shape you want) on the mask layer and set Effects>Blend Mode: Destination out.

    4. Move the sprite around using your favorit method. In this example I gave the "eye" sprite a Bullet behavior and added a "Every x seconds" event that randomly chooses the Sprite.Bullet.AngleOfMotion among 360 degrees.

    Hope it helps. Cheers!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hey chrisyamao!

    Not sure if that's what you're looking. Just made a .capx of the effect I described above. There are three sprites, first is changing Hue, second Saturation and the third Luminosity. ... .capx?dl=0


  • Hey chrisyamao!

    I gave it a try anyway and, at least in Construct 2, you could do that without a plugin, but you have to add instance variables for the HSL parameters, since you cant get them. You'd also have to set variables for the target HSL. After that just make a "every x seconds" event that checks the difference between parameters and adds or subtrackts a step.

    Got it?

  • In fact it was not a correction... It's just that the chance you might get a useful answer there is higher.

  • You should post this on the Construct 3 board, then... Good luck!

  • It's hard to tell the problem without a capx. Also, when I press Y when near the door on level 2 something weird happens: the player and the exit are duplicated.

  • Hey !

    I wasn't sure if you wanted to deal with each direction (horizontal/vertical) separately or not, so I implemented 2 behaviors:

    Yellow player will alternate between moving horizontaly or verticaly until it gets to target position.

    Purple player will deal with one direction and, only when it reaches the target position on that direction, it will deal with the other one.

    Here's the .capx

    Also, will it need to deal with obstacles? Because, if that's the case, you should use the pathfinding behavior.

  • My bad, I thought the files inherited the permissions of the folder, which is shared, in Dropbox (never used it before).

    Try this one

  • It would be nice to see it in action. Can you share it or a video?

  • Hey Rable!

    The only way I managed to get the animations perfectly synchronized was by using an "on frame change" action on the knight to set the animation and frame of the sword. I don't know how processing intensive it would be, but...

    Here's the .capx