briermay's Forum Posts

  • then how do other games not pause ? in a real-time multiplayer game the pausing messes up the logic and even times out the connection. in games with multiplayer sockets need to not pause. castlot doesn't pause, evony doesn't pause, Farmville doesn't pause. so why must construct pause ?

  • instead of starting a new thread I have a similar thing I'm trying to figure out. I have 32 sprites on the layout all of which are stationary. I kneed to change the active frame of the one clicked and cannot figure out how to set the frame on a sprite based on uid of the one clicked. Trying to avoid using 32 sprites. They are for buildings and clicking on one upgrades it so I need to know exactly which one was clicked

    only been working with Construct 2 for 3 days so reply in very beginner terms :)

    Thanks for any help

  • your not understanding the issue, so let me shorten it

    The plugin is working I can get the Facebook name full name and id after login in the game.

    its when the game *FIRST* loads after hitting F5 if your *NOT* set on Facebook to auto login. if you click browser refresh all works fine. seems to be *ONLY* when running in preview mode. I loaded it up and connected via another lan computer and no issue at all.

    not sure if when in preview mode (pressing F5) its loading the browser too fast or what.

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  • haven't tried it with any other versions but is anyone getting the following error when previewing their games *ONLY* when you haven't checked keep me logged in on Facebook ?

    JavaScript Error!

    Unable to get property 'UserID' of undefined or null reference, line 75 (col 1303)

    This is ether a bug in Construct 2 or a problem in a third party plugin or

    behavior, please report it to the developer!

    I'm using no plugins or behaviors other than what come with the default project when you choose create new and choose the Facebook project.

    no graphics no sprite.

    file -> new -> new Facebook project the second I run it I get that error. I have provided my app id if you click refresh it doesn't popup and then it works. If your already logged into Facebook it also doesn't happen

    hopefully someone knows how to fix this because if I can get this thing to work I'll definitely be buying a license my game will need waaaaaaay more than 100 events eventually but right now I'm learning and experimenting so using the free version