Brett Elliott's Forum Posts

  • Thanks to anyone who looked at this I've managed design something that works nicely (not exactly as I envisaged but a good effect non the less).

    I'm removing the capx from Dropbox now. ;)

    Cheers, Brett

  • No worries, thanks for the time you spent on it. :)

  • Thanks for the replies!

    Sorry for not being more specific the first time.

    The object moving along the path is an enemy AI sprite.

    The path is the inside of a tubular tunnel (center is the vanishing point). So as the object moves towards an edge it gets bigger etc. So the thought process of travelling in a circular motion is so I can get the enemy to move from 1 side of the tunnel to the other without crossing the vanishing point (that looks weird). In total I have randomly placed 10 waypoints for each enemy wave and they should repeat until they are destroyed and so on.

    The even positions in the diagram are easily calculated by going to the odd point and drawing a line to the vanishing point, where the circle and the line intersect gives you those coordinates.

    I have placed a link to the capx below, but it's the full thing (warts and all). It also uses the SpriteFont plugin.

    The scripts to look at are on the GAME sheet within the ENEMY_AI and WAYPOINTS groups.

    Please let me know if there is anything in there that needs clarification.

    Thanks, Brett

  • Hi everyone,

    I am in need of some advice on the following screenshot which I hope explains what I am trying to do.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I have the rotation working fine, and I can get the straight segments easily done. But what I don't know how to do is:

    • chose clockwise or counterclockwise (e.g. 7-8 should have gone the other way in the diagram)
    • stop rotating and go straight

    Please note, I only have coordinates to the odd numbered X,Y positions.

    Could someone please lend a hand on this issue for me?

    Thanks. :)

  • I just ran into this exact issue. :(

    Now I'm going to have to brush up on my math... :P

  • lol, I've never been able to get sound working on my iPhone 4, 4s, 5 or my iPad mini. Works fin in Firefox though on the pc after I export and Chrome while testing...

    Tried uploading wav's as instructed in the manual to no avail, tried deleting the ogg file but then the sound dissappears for the project. :(

    Ashley, I can provide my capx if it would help.

  • Hi Everyone,

    I am near complete with my app and I am testing out the end product in AppMobi with plans to get it on the iStore.

    However, I am having difficulty with filling the screen. I have tried all 4 scaling options and so far none have worked. I have removed the status bar with the 'AppMobi.device.hideStatusBar();' function via html so that's not the issue.

    Here are 2 screenshots of the C2 project screen and AppMobi emulation screen (I have also tried on the iPhone 5).

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Can someone please advise on what I am doing wrong? Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.


  • Never mind guys, I found out that with private browsing enabled in Safari webstorage doesn't work. I'll have to keep this in mind when publishing my app.

    Is there a better method to keeping saved data than webstorage in C2?


  • Hi triks,

    I am having a similar problem with webstorage on iPhone. It works without a problem on PC and iPad, however all my iPhone tests have no result, the data doesn't store.

    If you know how you fixed the problem I would be grateful if you could share your fix, thanks.


  • Thank you so much! I did try the 'CurX to 0' previously but changing it to '-1' was something I would never think to do and it fixed everything up!!!

    You have made me very happy. :D

    Thanks again!


  • Thanks for the help ramones.

    I've been stuck on this for a couple of weeks and I have tried many, many variations on the array. So far I cannot get it working properly. When I have it set up logically like your suggestions the program freezes.

    var Random_Number = 0;

    var n = 0;

    While (n < 52) {

    Set Random_Number to floor(Random(1,52);


    if (myCardNumber does not contain Random_Number) {

    Set value at n to Random_Number;

    Create object Cards;

    Set CARD_ID_ORIGINAL to Random_Number;


    Add 1 to n;

    Everything else is left the same.

    Do you have any suggestions to why this isn't working?



  • Hello,

    I have been pulling my hair out on this one because I cannot get the logic right (obviously). <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    What happens is my cards are dealt (into 4 piles) and then player 1's hand is resorted into A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. The problem is while the sort works the cards in my deck are randomly dropping out. I can stop the resorting and all the cards remain (but out of order) so I know it can only by this line of code that is the problem.

    Here is the link.

    The line in question is 81 and I have striped it bare to avoid confusion and eliminate any other possibility of it being something else.

    Any assistance in shedding some light on my error would be appreciated.



  • Thanks so much for your help IsometricRobot!

    It didn't fix my issue but I managed to halve my AI code after your suggestion twigged an idea.

    Subsequently I found the freezing issue which had nothing to do with the AI, lol. I must have dragged a condition to the front of the script which stopped progression when the player 1's turn was up.

    It happens with mouse driven interfaces I suppose, I'm so used to typing all my JavaScripts at work I didn't think that the issue could have been put down to an accident like this.

    Now I can start debugging the AI without the script freezing! Thanks so much again, I'll remove the capx from Dropbox now because I should be OK from here on!!!


  • Alrighty, a no-plugin version has replaced the SpriteFont capx. The same link should work with the updated file. <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


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  • Will try to get a capx done without the plugin for testing purposes.