BrenBu's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • Thanks DUTOIT, it worked really good!

    Thank you also, Asmodean! I'll try what you said too.


  • Thanks DUTOIT!

    If I do it that way, it works perfect as you said!

    But, what I want to do is to gradually accelerate the sprite while the user is touching the screen.

    That's why I was using the While loop, to increment the acceleration on every cycle

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  • Hello everyone, my name is Brenda and I'm from Argentina.

    I'm new using Construct 2 and I find it fascinating!

    However I run into a problem when I tried to use the while loop for my mobile game.

    What I'm trying to accomplish is to move my sprite to the left or to the right while the user is touching the screen.

    So for example, if he touches the left side of the screen, then the sprite would move to the other side.

    And it has to stop when the user stops touching the screen.

    Here's what I've got so far:

    It looks very logical to me but I'm clearly missing something.

    When I run my project, everytime I touch the screen, the game freezes and it won't let me do anything else.

    Could you help me to find what I'm doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance (sorry for my english)


  • 3 posts