bremen's Forum Posts

  • I want to thank everyone in the C2 community, I have learned so much reading these forums, I have a game on the Google Play Store with ads!!! Still working threw all the bugs and what not, but hey its a constant work in progress Thanks again everyone!

  • Ok My highscore works as long as the app is running on my android phone, but everytime i close the app the highscore resets.

  • Do you think it may be possible to use the Export to XDK and edit the code there? I will try to mess with it. I've never used the XDK before.

  • Hey will this plugin support Flurry monetization, or support it in the future?

  • I haven't had much success with the ads displaying either. very frustrating :(

  • I thought was the only one, I sure hope it gets fixed soon.

  • Yay it worked! Been looking for this for days! thanks :)

  • Allardje

    How is the importing to Eclipse working, can you share the process. I really need to try and get my project into eclipse :(

  • I also sent a E-Mail to but I pretty sure there not gonna let there little secret out lol

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  • well i was looking at some interesting things, some suggest to compile the project to eclipse. But as far as i can tell there is no way to do that in C2. Here was one I was very interested in.

    "I'm pretty sure Toddler Lock just uses a BroadcastReciever and listens for Intent.ACTION_MAIN and the category Intent.CATEGORY_HOME - that's why when you first launch it, it tells you to check the "use this application as default" box, and makes you select toddler lock.

    So, it's not really blocking the Home button at all, it's just setting itself up as the default broadcast receiver for:

    Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);


    When you launch Toddler Lock, it probably sets an internal flag, and if you press the home button, it just brings the window to the front. If the flag is not set, it probably launches Launcher explicitly.

    I hope that makes sense. It's just a theory, but I'm almost 100% sure that's how it's done.

    share|improve this answer

    answered Apr 16 '10 at 1:19




    Sorry to comment on this old one, but just to correct some confusion -- you cannot receive startActivity() Intents via a broadcast receiver. However, another activity can declare itself to be a HOME activity, which will then allow the user to choose a home screen implementation when they press the HOME button. � CommonsWare Jun 28 '11 at 14:30"

  • sgtwombatstudios

    O.K. thanks for the info, I'll look into it. I dont know much about making a plugin im not a javascript coder lol. but if someone else is that could implement this that would be sweet.

  • I give up, I'll just let my baby app sit in the google play store and not make any money.

  • I have tried every beta version that has the new tile map feature. I have a issue with every version, when i click the tile i want and put it on the layer its not the tile i pick its a different one, but if I preview it in browser it is the one i picked? anyone else have this issue?

  • <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Any more ideas yet?