brainwavecreations's Forum Posts

  • Sorry for the double post. But, in my original response, I meant to mention just type in "3D" in the search bar of Construct 3's Start Page. It will bring up a bunch of different 3D examples to check out. Including the few I've mentioned :)

  • Of course :). I'm always happy to help where I can.

    The built in examples have all sorts of cool game mechanics, and examples of gameplay styles that can help figure things out in Construct 3.

    If the Event Sheets in the examples are not clear, I usually reference the online Documentation to dive into certain things a bit deeper, to understand how they work. I'm still new myself, and learning everyday.

    Keep on progressing!

  • Hey there,

    There are multiple examples in Construct where this is done using 3D Objects(blocks). This would be different than using a 3D Background, though...

    You might find the "Vehicle switching" template/example the most helpful to see how 3D objects interact with the camera object. But, other examples like the "3D Platforms", and others like "Gravity Portal" may give you an idea of what 3D Objects would look like from different perspectives.

    I don't believe what you are asking is possible just yet(using one big 3D object, such as a background). But, you could certainly map out different 3D objects in a level, or have them spawn on set points of the background before coming into the camera's view, or set them where you want on the background.

    This would allow the perspective of the buildings to change depending on the players point of view. I know this is not the exact solution you are looking for, but I hope it helps a bit.

    All the Best

    EDITS: Grammar, and adding info. Maybe some other folks will chime in with some ideas as well :)

  • > I just realised that both of the features in this thread were added in beta version r277.

    and here I thought that beta version was special for me. haha, thanks everyone!


  • I just realised that both of the features in this thread were added in beta version r277.

    I noticed that in the release notes blog post for r277, that both these had been added, along with a couple other things that have been brought up in the community here. Thanks again :)

  • Another way to do it, is using the Bullet Behavior on your Balls. I know that sounds painful... Hear me out.

    Set "Bounce off Solids" to enabled in the "Bullet Behavior" properties, and adjust the "Speed", "Acceleration", and "Gravity" in the same properties window to adjust how fast they will fall & how high they will bounce.

    If you are spawning fresh smaller balls after the big one gets taken out, like in the game you linked to. You could adjust the properties for those as well, if you want them to bounce differently, compared to the larger balls.

    At least this is the easiest way I've found to handle my balls. Always... be gentle.

    EDIT: Spelling Erroirs, Grammar, and added more text

  • That indeed depends of the wanted result with the barrel behavior overall : must it be stopped when touching the floor? Will it go through? Will its position be reset after that?

    Providing as much details as possible is the best way for people to help you on your game, the more details we have, the better we can look for a solution for you ~

    Spot on. There are always many ways to achieve any result. The best option, depends on the intended result.

  • Sorry, yeah I should have mentioned that physics/platform behaviors cannot be both enabled.

    I still don't know how you are doing this? Sounds like the barrel supposed to land on something? If so I would set it to Platform object. Set platform to disabled to start.

    Then like Sami424 said, set it so, when on screen enable platform behavior(which will make it fall at the speed set in the Platform properties. If it lands on something, then that's fine.

    If it's falling off screen, then set the Platform behavior back to disabled, and reset it's position back to it's original X & Y coordinates, if you want the falling barrel to be a repeatable game mechanic.

    As Tomycase said, you should also disable the default platform controls as well, or else the barrel will move along with the player.

    Apologies for the confusion. It's really challenging to help troubleshoot various issues, without as much information as possible. For all of this to work at least small portion of the barrel would need to be within area that would then be shown on screen when the player reaches that point.

  • Ok sorry man, I'm a pain.

    Now I have the problem that the barrel falls but it self.

    I should in some way tell him to not move and wait for the action to be done. Can u help?

    Sure thing :). Happy to help some folks in the community out.

    We would need some more information to help out. I'll be online for about 30 minutes today. How do you have things setup? If it has platformer, or physics. You could have the behavior(whichever one is being used) disabled by default. There should be a checkbox on the left hand side with the object selected. Then in the Action of the player coming within the desired distance of the barrel, enable the platformer or physics behavior with an event.

    That is, if that is the route you went with this game mechanic.

  • It can be done in many different ways. You can change the font size and color under the "Appearance" section within a new Action for the text object. Or add the Tween behavior to the text object, and create an Action using "Tween" options within the Tween section for the text object, to change the size, location, etc. Whether that is multiple "Tween (one property)" actions, or other Tween options.

    EDIT: You could could also do "Tween (two properties)", and tween height, length. Under "Size or Scale" in the Property dropdown on that menu.

    EDIT 2: I hope that makes sense. I'm extremely tired at the moment, and need some sleep. It might be worth making a small sample project, and playing around with the Text "Appearance Options", and the "Tween" Options(after adding that behavior to your Text Object). Experiment until getting the desired result.

  • It would be something like this. Setup an Event for your player. Select "Compare X", then "Less or equal" to "Barrel.X + *Put your desired distance here*"

    EDIT: There are a bunch of different Events under the "Size & Position" area of your objects in the Event Sheets. These allow you to compare height, width, X, Y, on-screen etc.

    That said. You could have something "On-Screen" get checked, that causes the barrel to be dropped as well.

  • Thanks buddy. I thought like th ebest practice would be create an event sheet for each level but now i understand it's not the best idea. Thanks for your help!

    Sure thing. Happy I could help :). It depends on how you want to setup your project. Some of my projects I will have a "Main" Event Sheet, that includes the other Event Sheets. So I may have one Event Sheet that focuses on Player Movement, Interactions, etc. Then another Event Sheet that focuses on Enemies AI(movement, attacks, etc). Then another Event Sheet that houses my Functions. Then Include them in the Main Event Sheet which runs on each Layout. But, again, it depends on your own personal "house keeping"/organizational practices.

  • To me it looks like it is changing over to Animation Frame #1 on all of the "spr_invCover" Objects, when you have the 10 coins, and click on any of the items. They all cost 10 coins, and all are using the same "spr_invCover" Sprite Object. It's not actually picking any unique ID on the item in the shop being clicked, so every object is being changed over to Animation Frame #1.

    I'm not super proficient with Construct yet. But, that is what I'm seeing looking at the screenshots you've posted. As always, there are many ways that this could be fixed. Hopefully someone smarter than me will jump in with a really efficient fix.

    EDIT: For example you could make sub conditions depending on which item is clicked, only have that "spr_invCover" Sprite changed to frame 1, then have the item added to the inventory. Or you could setup a UID system, so it finds the UID of the item, and only changes the frame on that item, then adds the item to your inventory.

  • Sounds like Level 2 is running off a different Event Sheet than Level 1? You can right click the event sheet Level 2 is using, and choose "Include event sheet", and choose the one that has your character movement Events/Actions.

    EDIT: Grammatical errors.

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  • Hey there. The way I would achieve this is have a second frame on the grass sprites, representing the snow sprite(turning Loop Animation "off" obviously). Then simply have the sprites change from Frame 0(which is actually the first frame), to Frame 1(which would be your snow frame), once the change to Winter takes place.

    You could also make use of a "Family"(placing all the sprites within that family), and change it across the entire Family of Sprite Objects in your Event Sheet. Or have a block/group of code in the Winter area of your event sheet, that changes each sprite to the second animation frame.

    I hope this makes sense. There may be a more efficient way to do it. But, I'm only a few months into re-learning Construct.