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vesion beta test (fullscreen keyboard)
vesion beta test (fullscreen joyx360)or (dualshock ps3 with motionjoy)
hd720p/shader model 2/hdr
notice keyboard
then the arrows up, down, left, right
scale down a shift key + Down Arrow right, fast downhill Q motionless on the scale shift key + right = jump (up, down catch the scale)
jump right shift-key
Inventory (i) support long 1sec, then release, out of inventory (i) support fast (A) select, arrow cursor displacement
inventory fast deplacemement cursor (D) right (S) on the left, enter validate
attack (W), during the execution of the attack if you press again (W) is chained double attack
open a door up arrow 1sec long press, then release, exit arrow up fast support
manages time clock, key num 1,2, or 3 slow, medium, fast
catch a rope horizontal (A), otherwise jump to top arrow
notice joystick x360 or (ps3 with motionjoy)
before a VERTICAL ROPE (precise pixel is near: D) pad up (you ride): pad down (you down): character string motionless on + button (jump), you can catch the rope after a jump in pressing pad up or down pad: if you're on the line left or right it loose rope
TIP: If you leave the button pressed and you are on the rope you can Jumpe knew just by pressing dpad up
HORIZONTAL ROPE: A button to aggripper: left or right to move if you cowards the button it loose rope, jump dpad up there on the rope
if you're hanging a rope so the button you can Jumpe supported by just pressing dpad up
SCALE: scale down a dpad up (you ride) if you are on the top of a ladder + dpad down to go down buttonA (B button fast descent)
jump on the scale is identical to the string with the same trick to leaving Jumpe supported buttonA you just make a dpad up
ATTACK: X button, double attack if the character is trying to execute an attack pressing a second time x
Finally the timing inventory, door ...
Pressing select about 1 second (long) relaxes you select the inventory appears (to move the inventory is the left analog stick!)
out of inventory (select prompt support) less than a second: lol:
the door if you find the right home, dpad up (long) of that you release you come home to exit (quick press dpad up) as the stock timings.
to use the quick inventory is the right analog stick! (this allows you to walk and at the same time to select what you want;)) if your cursor
is a potion you right click fungus, it uses the object (for the moment no effect)