boulerzzz's Forum Posts

  • DiegoM

    Did you remove the option to change the size of the banners? I'm getting the same sizes on my banners regardless of what I select.

    Edit: I just read that smart banners are deprecated in favor of adaptive banner ads in SDK v20 so I guess adaptive banners is the only option nowdays?

  • Read more about the sizes here:

    Basically the standard banner is always the same size but the smart banners can have different sizes on different devices. :)

  • You only have to create a banner once. It will stay if you change layout.

  • Very nice to hear this has a high priority now Ashley!

    Thanks! :)

  • Google is now removing and demonetizing all C3 apps that are Designed for Families because of the outdated Mobile Advert plugin. Apps for adults are so far unaffected. But this needs to be fixed ASAP Ashley.

  • Scirra must update the Advert plugin! Honestly, I can't believe they have not updated the plugin. Ashley has said it is on their to-do list but nothing happens. So bad.

  • To be honest, I would rather pay an extra separate subscription fee for an up to date plugin, so as to enable scirra to direct funds to this.

    I would too.

  • Open bidding will not work. Scirras mobile advert has not been updated in a long time and is now outdated. They will have to update the plugin. Who knows when or even if they will do it...

  • I agree it should be fixed. But it should be perfectly aligned (for all fonts) or it makes no sense to change it. If it can't be fixed 100% it should not be touched at all. Text never worked well for Construct so I guess it can't be made perfect.

    Edit: I mean what is the point of me and you spending hours and days realigning text objects (to a new position that is still wrong. Maybe less wrong but still.) when we could use that time making an awesome game instead?

  • I had to basically rebuild all my projects after the last stable. Took several days for me to change all the text objects. I had to use super complex calculations taking into account the font size and the text object height. I also change the font size from time to time depending on the screen size and ratio and needed even more calculations to move the whole text object to compensate for the incorrect y position. Ashley Please do not make any more changes to this ever again.

  • Happens like 10 times a day (and has been happening for maybe a year by now). I just hit f6 and close the export window to bring it back to normal. 👍

  • Ashley Should we add NSUserTrackingUsageDescription to our info.plist in xcode now to support IOS 14? Would not want to lose money because of this.

  • Did you use testflight to install the game on a physical device?

    My game also gets stuck on the simulator but works great on real devices.

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  • You should open the .xcworkspace file in xcode.

    Just updated one of my ios apps and it works fine for me.

  • It can be alot of things. But if you use any 3rd party plugins avoid using advanced minification. Try simple minification instead and check if that works.

    Scirra recently updated the minification process and alot of 3rd party plugins don't work with advanced minification now.