booboo123's Forum Posts

  • Ashley what you mean by this?

  • hello i made a game in construct 2 for android when the user is idle and the game window is idle the background music is still playing cany ou pleas tell how to overcom this problem?

  • hello!

    how to make the game paused when the user pressed the back button or home or doing other works while he or she play my game

    in my game i dont have the option to pause.. so when this kind of situation happens the game sound is coming out without showing the game (While the game running in the Background) can you pleas tell me how do i prevent this error..

    i just need the game should be paused or force closed when the game is running in the background.

    Pleas help me


  • Problem Description

    ____ hello

    i made a game in construct 2 and currently its working on android but the problem is game is still running even the player goes to his or her home sceren(game is running in the background and sound is starts playing after some time goes )

    pleas tell me how to pause or force close when the user goes to his main screen (mobile home page not the game main screen)


    Observed Result

    after user press his home screen and do other work some time game sound is automatically playing and the playbak speed is slomotion...

    Expected Result

    when the game runs in the background game shuld be force close or sounds all need to be paused

    Operating System and Service Pack

    ____ Windows 10 ____

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ latest version ____

  • > hello

    > i have added your rewarded video plugin for chartboost and unity ads

    > can you pelas tell me what is the main rezon that i cant see any rewarded video


    > on start of layout i have put the preload "default"


    > and add that code whn i press the destination button





    You need to test each plugin first.

    try example_cordovachartboost_requires id_sample app id.capx

    ( ... EW7yxACRiL)

    and do server setting ... er-setting

    try example_cordovaunityads_my id_testapp_test mode.capx

    and do server setting ... er-setting

    Then try to mix two plugins.

    p.s your example seems to be correct, I guess your server setting was wrong.


    Sang Ki Kwon

    but i have done the exact same and if the chartboost not availale i can add unity right??? i add the unity but not even single ad shown ... and one my other app i added adcolony but from there also no ads are showing even no notifications for integrated sign either... can you pleas get proper guide for us?

  • hello

    i have added your rewarded video plugin for chartboost and unity ads

    can you pelas tell me what is the main rezon that i cant see any rewarded video

    on start of layout i have put the preload "default"

    and add that code whn i press the destination button

  • Construct2 Cordova Plugins ... ugins-1662

    Including 96+ construct2 cordova plugins. (currently 87 plugins)

    See all the plugins list from here: ... a_plugins/

    You can also buy Games With Construct2 Cordova Plugins from here: ... ugins-2718

    *You can supported in scirra store board: construct2-cordova-plugins-plugins_t164385


    Sang Ki Kwon

    i have purchased the plugin can i know how to use that because i using chartboost rewarded video but for me its not showing i can see in chartboost taht my app is succesfully integrated the sdk but not showing the video ads pelas help me

  • hello all

    i just want to know is there any rewarded video plugins available for C2 pelas help me with that if you guyz have pleas share me the links



  • same hrere pleas help

  • dude good game i have only one quisiton can you pleas tell me how did you got that much download btw pleas share us

  • If you install - the Google App Store tells you which permissions you will give to this app

    In your case the permissions aren't too bad - but I prefer games with as little permissions as possible.

    Translated from german (so paraphrased)

    1. In-App-Purchase

    2. photo/media/files

    3, memory

    4. WLAN-connection information

    5. device-ID & call informations

    hello and thank you .... i have IAP that i put already i am currently implementing that.. how to remove photo mediea and memory .. wlan anyhow need for display ads right? device ID need right? any ideas what this device id call information?

  • Question: why do you need so many permissions for this game?

    what you mean by that? waht are the permission that is asking

  • hello

    this is my second game that i have made by c2 pleas need some download and reviews hope you guyz are will help me "IQ Math Game" ... iqmathgame

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • is there anyways for the new release? pleas help

  • hello

    i made a normal game and i have published in google play store pleas check "Swinging Ball" it has made with construct 2 and i am an indie game developer and graphic Designer. planing to make my next move and publishing my game give me a support and i am planing to give a reward for the guy who is taking 25 highscore First time he will get $100

    conditions are when he play his high score is automatically added to google Play service so i can see the list of the people who are playing and you also can see it from the leader board..

    i need some nice reviews as well pleas give me a support guys the game is 8MB only and its DAMN HARD but from the world rank one guy hit 18 points you also can see try to get and be the First to get that $100

    Thank you