Bonesey's Forum Posts

  • Dude this is looking amazing! Great job so far!

  • I checked your game out in debug, and the profile is showing that the group "turrets" is spiking up to 50% CPU while you are colliding with the tiledbackground. So I disabled that group and got a huge performance boost, but the slowdown was still happening. The next highest group "zombie" was still using up to 40% CPU and so I disabled the 'every .25 seconds ->pathfinding' and the game ran quite smoothly.

    So obviously you just have a few issues to work out with your enemy pathfinding, and the "turret"(not even sure what this group is meant to do). I suggest trying not to call the pathfinding.findpath so often.

  • Thank you so much for this plugin!!

    Please keep supporting it, I am very interested in additional features!

  • Just use the random expression.

    Every int(random(30,60)) seconds ---> drop lewtz

  • Hexagonal and Isometric Tilemap support. Please?

  • So I can help you with this (and hopefully a few others), but there are a few things we need to be clear on before I go any further....

    You will need:

    A hosted database set up

    -know the DB name/password/IP address

    -create a table in that DB, with columns for all of the variables you want to store

    An understanding of PHP/SQL/Ajax

    -you don't need to be a programming expert, but it is very important to at least understand what the PHP pages will be doing. (You would be amazed at how many people want to use PHP but have no desire to understand how any of it works)


    -while this is completely doable in C2, it's likely going to take some trial and error to get it working for your exact needs.

    I will post an example capx and the required PHP pages when I get home, hopefully it will shed some light on what you will need to do.



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  • This is very cool! I'm very excited to check out a game in development as professional as AirScape. I will definitely be tuning in

  • Hey revvin!

    You should really look into Rex's behavior plugin "GridMove". It is definitely what you are looking for, as it works very well with his Board/Chess plugins. Just add the behavior to your chess piece and call it in your events instead of using "MoveTo".

    Hope this helps

  • Here is an example of what you are looking for. Hopefully this gets you on the right track.

  • Use a system for loop, 1-50

    For "whatever" 1 to 50 --->

    -Pick object where object.takeMe ="yes" ---->

  • The performance on mobile greatly depends on the type of device you are using. What kind of iPhone were you testing on? I have found that the iPhone 4 has pretty terrible results while the 4s runs MUCH better, and my new iPhone 5s runs flawlessly. Also any inefficiencies in your code (ie too many collision checks) will be much more noticeable when testing on mobile rather then on your desktop.

    Other things to consider are:

    How much memory is your game using? The lower you can keep it the better for mobile for sure, especially when using CocoonJS.

    How many objects are on screen at once? See above ^

    Is WebGL enabled? This gives a HUGE performance boost, but not all devices support it. It is definitely one of the awesome benefits of using CocoonJS.

    Hope this helps



  • Cool game man and thanks for the download

    Played a couple rounds and had lots of fun. It seemed really easy at the start, and before I knew it the screen was filling up and panic ensued! Not gonna lie though after playing for only a few games, my eyes felt weird from all of the colors. I also feel like the amazing rainbow boxes should stand out a little more ( like a thicker outline or something). I had a hard time telling the difference between them and the box that was already selected.

    Anyways thanks again and good luck!

  • It isn t yet possible I think, local variables can only be done inside an event or a group.

    There is your answer. Put the "every tick" and local variables into a group, and then activate/deactivate that group whenever you need it. The other option is to put them into a Function and call it whenever you need it.

    Also if you were going to be calling local variables every tick, they may as well be global variables, then none of this matters.

  • One way to check for specific devices is to "on start of layout " do a system compare for the windowWidth/windowHeight.

    So it would be something like

    On start of layout -->

    windowWidth = 640

    windowHeight = 960 ----> set text "iPhone 4"

    windowWidth = 768

    windowHeight = 1024 ----> set text "iPad 2"

  • So here is what is happening. Because you added the system wait, the player--> spawn object isn't going to work because the player is long gone (there is no player to create the object). So what we want to do is instead have:

    Wait 4,5 secs

    SYSTEM---> create object ->player

    Now the problem with this is that we don't know where to create the player, so we will need to create some variables to make this work. So start by making 2 global variables named playerX and playerY. Now make this event

    Player on destroyed--->System-> set var playerX to player.X

    set var playerY to player.Y

    Wait 4.5 secs

    Create object "player" at (playerX, playerY)

    Let me know if this works for you

    Sorry I couldn't give a capx I'm on my phone lol

