bonesaws's Forum Posts

  • 9 posts
  • Saving on every tick is an overkill. Even with Local Storage this may cause lags on some devices. Also, the game may run at 240 fps, why would you need to save 240 times per second?

    I suggest saving maybe once ever 3 seconds or so, this should be more than enough. And instead of saving positions of all blocks just re-generate them randomly when the game is resumed.

    I'm going to give this a shot, maybe add a manual save as well. Thanks! I'll also try the localstorage trick if it comes down to it.

  • I'm making an idle game where blocks fall from the sky and you must grind the blocks to earn money.

    I tried using localstorage, it worked well for saving the players income.

    The issue is I can't figure out a way to save the position of the blocks using localstorage. Thrre will be a ton on screen, how can I save the position of all of them?

    I found the system save works perfect for this game except I need the game to save every tick. The problem with this is that's very laggy.

    Saving localstorage with every tick was much smoother but I can't find a way to save positions of mulitple instances of the same objects as well as their instance variables.

    Can I just use system save on exit to consistently save progress? Or maybe someone can point me in the right direction for the localstorage dilemma I face.

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  • I found a fix, upon bosses death, I'd fade their music out. Turns out this was bugging things so instead when a new boss spawns, I made it so it'll stop the previous boss' music. Thanks fedca, I would not have fixed this as fast if you didn't provide your fix.

  • Hmm I see, I'll keep experimenting with this for a bit

  • Alright so I faded for both songs and I get the same result (boss 1's song doesn't play after dying to boss 2 unless you die to boss 1 afterwards)

  • Thank you for the reply.

    It partially worked, when you die to Boss 1, it's music continues to play.

    When you die to Boss 2 and get sent back to Boss 1 upon death, Boss 1's music does not play unless you die to Boss 1 afterwards.

    CP3 with change you suggested :

  • I'm making a boss rush game and after the player dies, I have whatever song is playing set to fade. The issue is, when the layout restarts, music doesn't start playing again both boss 1 and boss 2.

    However, in debug mode, it says music is playing but you can't hear it.

    Here is my c3p file : (press 5, then shoot to kill a boss. Run into them to kill yourself)

    Event sheet:

  • I'm trying to make a micromanagement game which utilizes a system that tells the player whether their income is in the positive or negative.

    This game has purchasable upgrades and I need the income indicator to go into the negative for one second and then return back to zero after upgrades are bought.

    The issue is that if you purchase the same upgrade quickly, the game starts adding too much numbers to the income indicator and the income indicator doesn't return back to zero.

    Code picture:

    Gif of project in action:

    Link to c3p example:

  • 9 posts