bombak's Forum Posts

  • +1 for Linux version. Could not make it run via Wine. Maybe I will write this myself and libre source it.

  • In C2 it works with podes plugin "HTML_Img_Pode", I can get the same images without cors warning. But this plugin does not exist in C3, so I tried (the only way?) to get the images with the default "sprite load image from URL action" with the result.

    The url is grabbed by JSON and saved in a object variable url.

    Tried all cross-origin settings in the action.

    -> urlimage: Load image from Self.url (Keep current size, cross-origin none)

    In c2 the fetch in the plugin looks like this:

    sec-fetch-dest: image

    sec-fetch-mode: no-cors

    sec-fetch-site: cross-site

    And in c3:

    sec-fetch-dest: empty

    sec-fetch-mode: cors

    sec-fetch-site: cross-site

  • Luckly i have allready exported it for crosswalk, so i have still all the files. Thank you for the .zip trick.

  • Problem Description

    After saving the project, closing construct, installing new update, I can't open my project anymore.

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Win 8

    Construct 2 Version ID

    184 (64bit)

  • Same problem here..

  • Working on untitled RPG project:

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  • I'am working on to many projects right now. But my main project is Necrokids:

  • Hey thanks. I thought the game is to tiny to get extra music for it. But I will consider this suggestion. ;P

  • This game is really hard. I can't get more than 4 boxes.. x(

  • Hello dear Constructers,

    besides my main project and my main main project.. ^^

    I have created the mini game Burning Hamster. Yet another Flappy Bird clone? I have heard that daily 60 of them are released.. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    Grab it here: ... inghamster

    You can also play it on Kongregate. ... er_preview

    I will upload it on more platforms in the future.

    Try to break the highscore and tell me what you think about it.

  • Holy moly, i fixed it after hours.. I just put the text on the top of the function and it worked.

    The problem was a Wait 1.0 seconds action. When i put the output of Function.Param(0) after it, it is 0.

    Thanks for your help.

  • give those balls instance variables.

    1. ball color (as u wish)

    2. ball collision (number) = 0

    If the blue ball collides with another blue ball make the "ball collision" instance counting up.

    If the ball collision is 2 them destroy them.

    The next steps are depending on your game design, so i can't say exactly how u have to do it.

    But i think you need a every second event which decreases the ball collision number by 1 when its higher than 0.

  • Hello, iam running a function out of a group and this function doesn't get the passed parameters.

    Iam calling the function standartly like this: Function Call "MissionCompleted" (1)

    I have tryed different int, chars and it didn't help to solve the problem. I debuged it with a text plugin which is in the function. The text was >>Function.Param(0)<<. No matter what i tryed i got the 0 which means the parameter is empty.

    Any suggestions for fixing this? Thank you for trying!

  • Thanks for the plugin.

    After using it for some time, i realised that it slows down my fps in CocoonJS by ~15 fps or even more. Is there a chance to fix this?

  • I want to create a clone of my sprite. This clone shouldn't have the same objectname so it doesn't bite with my other code. I just want to create a thumbnail of my sprite which shows next to the healthbar so the user can identify the health of his character.

    I want to do this in runtime because the character is allways different. And i dont want to copy the whole object because it has many animations.(which would mean i would double the mb of my project)

    Thank you for answers and sorry for my bad englando.